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It's Corn kid and the Komodo dragon kid both have the same man to thank for fame

It's Corn kid and the Komodo dragon kid both have the same man to thank for fame

The interviewer plucked both boys from anonymity to viral fame.

Two of the most current recognisable viral faces, the Corn kid and the Komodo dragon kid, have the same man to thank for their newfound fame.

Namely, Julian Shapiro-Barnum, who is behind the viral interview sensation that is Recess Therapy.

Recess Therapy sees Julian interview children between the ages of two and nine in New York City, and its popularity stems from their incredible answers.

Two of his interviewees have been the Corn kid - AKA Tariq - and the Komodo dragon kid - AKA Dillon - who turned out to be viral sensations when they spoke to Julian.

To put their popularity into context, the Corn kid's interview has been liked a whopping 1.7 million times and the Komodo dragon kid's has nearly half a million likes on Instagram alone.

In the Tariq's interview, he hilariously praises the vegetable, at one point screeching: "It's corn!"

Tariq has gone viral due to his love for corn.
Recess Therapy

The sound itself has now become a trending sensation on TikTok, with countless users imitating the insightful youngster, who seems to think the vegetable is the answer to all of life's problems.

Meanwhile, the Dillon found fame after he told Julian that he loves Komodo dragons and said if he could speak to them, he'd say: "I love you. You're so nice."

He also explained that he'd like to ride Komodo dragons, even though 'they eat people.'

"They can eat people which is so special," he said, gushing about the animal.

He was then asked if he wanted to see a Komodo dragon eat a person and he said yes.

Things are now going so well for Tariq, in particular, that he could make a fortune thanks to a remix of his interview into a hit song.

The Komodo dragon kid wants to see one eat a person.
Recess Therapy

News of the song was shared on TikTok by Recess Therapy, who wrote: "Hey folks! We're so excited to announce that, in partnership with Tariq, his family and @schmoyoho - we've launched 'It's Corn', the official song of this crazy corntastic moment we all created together!

"All proceeds are being split with Tariq and his family. So, please support and give it a listen! It's streaming everywhere."

Reacting to news of the song, one fan wrote: "BRB, going to stream this a million times a day to help pay for Tariq's college fund."

"TARIQ DESERVES THE WORLD," added another.

Featured Image Credit: Recess Therapy/YouTube/Facebook

Topics: US News, Viral