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Fired Mandalorian star Gina Carano hits back at claims she ruined her career

Fired Mandalorian star Gina Carano hits back at claims she ruined her career

She hit back after being told she had 'fumbled the bag'

Gina Carano has hit back at claims she ‘fumbled the bag’ when it came to her career.

Carano had appeared as Cara Dune in the popular Disney Plus series The Mandalorian, however, she was dropped from the show following a series of controversial social media posts, including one post in which she compared being a conservative in 2021 to being Jewish during the Holocaust.

In a statement released at the time, Lucasfilm said: “Gina Carano is not currently employed by Lucasfilm and there are no plans for her to be in the future.

"Nevertheless, her social media posts denigrating people based on their cultural and religious identities are abhorrent and unacceptable.”

After being ditched from the series, Carano began work with the Daily Wire on several projects including movies My Son Hunter and Terror on the Prairie.

Commenting on the limited success of her latter projects compared to that with Disney film journalist Richard Newby tweeted: “I’ll never stop laughing at the fact that she could’ve had her own Star Wars series, toys, books, comics, apparel.

Gina Carano was dropped from Disney in 2021.
Disney Plus

"She was that close. She didn’t just fumble the bag, she dumped it out, put it over her head and cut off her air supply.”

In response, Carano pointed out that the movie had been exclusively released on Daily Wire and accused the journalist of joining in with an ‘online mob’.

She went on: “I didn’t fumble the bag I just didn’t go along with the sell out narrative, the online mob couldn’t handle that so they petitioned to have me fired & won. I’m not sorry for that. I stood for what I believe the right thing to do was & the more time that goes by the better I feel.

Gina Carano has hit back at claims she 'fumbled the bag'.

“The genuine bag fumble is sell out journalists like you who sold out America and stopped asking

questions to be liked by a fickle manipulated mob. That is what you valued and that will be your legacy.”

Last year, Carano spoke about ‘cancel culture’ during an appearance on Fox News, calling it ‘extremely dangerous’.

She told the outlet: “I feel like cancel culture is extremely dangerous.”

She continued: “I think it starts putting us on the line of kind of like a social credit score. And corporations are going to win that battle. They're going to win the social credit score.”

Carano also claimed: “They're going to win the popularity battle because they have access to manipulating even the data, but they have access to manipulating the masses, whereas that robs from the individual.”

Featured Image Credit: ZUMA Press, Inc. / Everett Collection Inc / Alamy

Topics: Disney Plus, The Mandalorian