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Boy can 'prove' he was reincarnated and knows how he died in past life

Boy can 'prove' he was reincarnated and knows how he died in past life

The five-year-old claims to remember what he looked like in his past life

A five-year-old boy has insisted that he died in a past life before being reincarnated into the youngster he is today.

I can't remember exactly what was on my mind when I was five years old, but I'd be inclined to imagine it was mostly along the lines of toys, snacks and cartoons.

I'd say that was the case for most five year olds, but Luke Ruehlman proves that's not necessarily the case.

The young boy, from Cincinnati, Ohio, first left his mum unnerved when he was just two years old, when he started talking about a mysterious woman named Pam.

Recalling the incident to Fox8, Luke's mum Erika described how she asked her son who Pam was, saying: "He turned to me and said, 'Well, I was. 'Well, I used to be, but I died and I went up to heaven. I saw God and then eventually, God pushed me back down and I was a baby and you named me Luke'."

Luke also told his family that he'd travelled by train in Chicago - despite the five year old never having been to Chicago.

The family didn't know anyone named Pam, but Erika did some digging and learned of a Pam Robinson, who was killed in a fire at Chicago's Paxton Hotel in 1993.

Indicating this was the same Pam Luke was referring to, the young boy indicated that he had leapt from a burning building to his death, before he was brought back to life in a new body.

Erika quizzed her son over how he died in his past life.

Erika described a number of details her son 'remembered' from his past life, including having 'black hair'.

"I used to have earrings like that when I was a girl," he reportedly said at one point.

The mum believes the fact Luke's comments match facts he can't possibly have learned himself is 'proof' that he is reincarnated, and when asked to pick Pamela out of a number of pictures of Black women in their 30s, Luke succeeded in spotting her first time.

Luke's comments and 'memories' prompted Erika to reach out to Pamela's family, who told her more about their lost loved one. According to the details she learned from the family, both Pamela and Erika are said to share a love for Stevie Wonder, and an enthusiasm for playing the keyboard.

Luke's story proved so compelling that it even caught the attention of producers of a paranormal investigations TV show, The Ghost Inside My Child.

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Featured Image Credit: Fox8

Topics: Ghosts, Conspiracy Theories, Film and TV