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Man slapped after proposing with gummy ring at MLB baseball game

Man slapped after proposing with gummy ring at MLB baseball game

His girlfriend didn't seem to happy with the proposal as the video went viral for her slap

If you’re really going to put yourself out there with a big old public proposal, it’s probably worth making sure you’re absolutely certain it’s going to be a ‘yes’.

Take this baseball fan as your example. Because even if you get down on one knee at a Major League Baseball game with your love, it might not go to plan.

Crowds gathered at the Rogers Centre, Toronto, to watch the Toronto Blue Jays take on the Boston Red Sox one fall weekend, only to find themselves watching a sweet proposal fall apart right before their eyes.

In footage of the incident, which quickly went viral, the unlucky guy stopped his girlfriend on the steps of the sports grounds to make his grand romantic gesture in front of thousands - only to be met with a swift slap across the face.

And it didn't exactly look gentle either:

Before things went horribly wrong, the love-lorn baseball fan can be seen pulling his girlfriend towards him and kissing her before telling her: "I love you."

As he gets down on one knee, the girlfriend covers her mouth in disbelief as fans look on in delight, and the official camera crew from the stadium rush over to capture the sweet moment.

But what should have been a romantic moment went horribly wrong when the guy pulled out a black ring box from his jean pocket and produced...a gummy ring.

As soon as his girlfriend sees the Ring Pop, her excited smile morphs into a frown and she slaps her partner across the face.

This baseball proposal went horribly wrong in seconds.

Baseball fans nearby can be seen jolting back in horror as they watch the mortifying moment unfold.

"What the f**k is wrong with you?" the upset girlfriend can be heard asking before throwing her drink in his face and storming off.

The video quickly spread across TikTok, Twitter, and Reddit, with people debating over who was in the wrong.

"Humiliate the one you love in front [of] thousands??" asked one furious viewer. "Should [have] been a real diamond. Run girl! I would [have] done the same. It's called self worth."

But one user countered: "That’s an indication of how the rest of his life would go marrying her... move on dude."

She didn't seem impressed.

And another agreed: "I get that she didn’t like this, but it’s no reason to slap him across the face. Especially in front of thousands."

Some eagle-eyed viewers have pointed out that it looks like the man in the video was going to propose with a real ring after the prank, after spotting what the outline of another ring-sized box in his other pocket - which would be very unfortunate.

"Looks like the right ring box was in the other pocket!!" one viewer pointed out.

"He had the main ring in his pocket if she can’t get a joke she better not be with you," penned another.

Whether this was about to be a real proposal or not, we're pretty sure it's a moment the fans in that stadium will never forget.

Featured Image Credit: @canadianpartylife/TikTok

Topics: Sex and Relationships, Baseball, TikTok, Viral