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Pregnant woman's gender reveal celebration fails after she forgets partner is color-blind

Pregnant woman's gender reveal celebration fails after she forgets partner is color-blind

At least she could just tell him afterwards and didn't cause a massive forest fire

A couple's gender reveal party didn't quite go the way one pregnant woman planned after she forgot one crucial detail about her partner.

You're all surely familiar with gender reveal parties by now, big pre-birth events (or sometimes very wholesomely post-birth) where the happy couple reveal whether the baby on the way is a boy or girl.

Sometimes this can be as modest as a moment between the couple themselves, while others can end up being massive parties with loads of people gathered in increasingly elaborate ceremonies.

At some point in the celebration there'll be the reveal of a certain colour which will tell everyone involved whether the baby is going to be a boy or girl, usually with blue denoting a boy and a red or pink for a girl.

Usually there's some kind of big bang (rather required to even have this sort of party in the first place) with some kind of smoke, flame or confetti being released by the explosion to make the announcement.

It's a girl! Although you'll have to tell him that as he's colourblind and has no idea.

However, one of these celebrations didn't work out as planned as everything went to plan apart from one tiny detail.

TikToker @jennacowann posted her gender reveal celebration which featured her partner setting off a confetti cannon filled with pink confetti to reveal that their child was going to be a girl.

The thing is, she forgot her boyfriend was colorblind and had absolutely no idea what kind of confetti had just been launched, so she had to tell him the usual way.

Luckily, nothing bad came out of it and he just seemed thrilled to be celebrating getting more information about the daughter he has coming his way.

Plenty of commenters thought it was a pretty funny mishap, though also reckoned it was also in incredibly sweet moment for the couple.

One person said the guy was 'a keeper' for happily playing along with the whole thing while another said 'bless him' as he had to ask what the answer was after firing out the confetti himself and a third loved that he was 'just happy to be right there in the moment.

To be honest it could have been so much worse as there have been some truly catastrophic gender reveal parties throughout the years.

There's the one which caused an 'earth shaking' explosion which could be felt several towns away which investigators determined had been caused by the detonation of about 80 pounds of Tannerite.

Luckily nobody was hurt in that particular explosive episode.#

Then there's the gender reveal party which was blamed for causing a massive wildfire across California, incinerating more than 7,000 acres and forcing around 3,000 people to flee their homes.

To be fair, plenty of other gender reveal parties have gone much worse.
Erick Madrid/ZUMA Wire/Alamy Live News

It was so bad that the woman who is credited with coming up with the gender reveal party started telling people to stop doing them as it's much easier and safer to just tell people rather than starting a massive fire.

On top of that are the downright tasteless ones, with one couple hiring pole dancers to make the big announcement for them.

Featured Image Credit: @jennacowann/TikTok

Topics: Parenting, News, TikTok