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Fans praise Lana Del Rey after she’s spotted working at a Waffle House

Fans praise Lana Del Rey after she’s spotted working at a Waffle House

She was in full uniform and even had her own name badge

Lana Del Rey left fans stunned after she was spotted working at a Waffle House in Alabama this week.

The singer, who has sold millions of records, was seen behind the counter at the restaurant in the city of Florence wearing the Waffle House uniform, complete with name badge.

As you can imagine, customers were shocked to find the multi-award-winning singer/songwriter pouring coffees and taking orders - but Del Rey took it all in her stride and happily posed for photos with fans.

Karina Cisneros Juarez managed to get a photo with the star - sharing it on Facebook with the caption: “To say I am ecstatic is an understatement!!!

“I have been a huuuge fan of Lana Del Rey for over a decade, so meeting her today was truly insane.”

Juarez told “She was there, wearing a uniform and everything.

“It was a bit surreal. I just told her how much I loved her music and her work in general. She was super lovely, and incredibly nice.”

Lana Del Rey was spotted working at a Waffle House.

On social media, fans were left reeling after seeing shots of Del Rey, with one person saying: “She’s humble. I respect it.”

Another wrote: “She just wants to be normal I feel her.”

While a third commented: “Imagine just going to eat and Lana Del Rey is your waitress.”

Someone else joked: “Singer, actress, waitress, 10 minute songs, Waffle House employee. What is it Miss Lana Del Rey can’t do?”

“This is just so unbelievably Lana coded, she is so unserious,” added another.

It’s not clear why the 38-year-old was there or if she did indeed work a full shift.

Some social media users have claimed she was gifted the uniform and name badge by staff at the Waffle House and decided to get into the spirit of it all and give waiting tables a try.

Lana happily posed with fans.
Facebook/Vanson Clendenin

However, while accepting Variety’s Artist of the Decade Award in 2021, Del Rey noted that she was ‘very flexible’ and had experienced ‘other job opportunities’ away from music.

The singer said that she had been ‘very lucky to follow my muse for the last 18 years’.

“Sometimes that has taken me super far away from music into other mediums and other job opportunities that have nothing to do with the arts at all,” she continued.

“I’m very flexible and what I’ve come to understand is that if you follow what you’re interested in, you’ll end up being the most creative in that field.

“Even if you get a 9-5 after you got the decade award, you need to do what feels right.”

Featured Image Credit: Twitter/@honeymounz

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