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Halle Berry fans are all pointing out the same gross thing in lingerie snap

Halle Berry fans are all pointing out the same gross thing in lingerie snap

The actress' eight million followers were quick to ask questions

It's undeniable that Halle Berry takes a good photo, but a new snap of hers has been raising some eyebrows.

In recent weeks, the X-Men star has been living it up in an undisclosed sunny and sandy location.

In one snap shared to her Instagram, Berry struck a pose while resting on a rock in a black laced bodice.

"Couldn’t hide these rocks," she captioned the photo alongside a wink emoji.

While the 57-year-old looks great, it was something else that got her eight million Instagram followers' attention.

By the Hollywood star's feet, there are some brown objects. At first glance, it looks like poop - and it didn't go unnoticed.

"Am I the only one who sees the poop?" questioned one of her followers.

"What kind of sh*t is that by your [feet]?" asked another.

A third went on: "Dope pic, crop the [poo] that’s right in front of you out of this pic tho!!"

People pointed out the apparent poop in Halle Berry's photo.

"Literally nobody sees the 3 giant mounds of human sh*t???" a different person penned on the post.

"Seriously, why post that photo with the sh*t in it?"

Berry has since replied to the comment, writing: "Why not. It is what it is."

She replied to another person's question, and appeared to confirm that it is in fact poop in the picture.

Replying to the person who asked if they were the only one to see it, Berry said: "Nope I saw it too."

Elsewhere, Berry denied that it's human sh*t and made the case that it probably belongs to some kind of animal.

"Ima say it was a wild animal," the 57-year-old commented to one fan. "A human is not out there sh*tting !!!! Just saying."

The actress didn't deny that it was poo in the picture.

Berry often interacts with her Instagram followers and, in April last year, took it upon herself to hit back at criticism she received for sharing a naked snap.

In the racy photograph, Berry was seen sipping a glass of wine in her birthday suit while catching some rays on a balcony.

One critic replied to the post: "Imagine being in your 50s, still posting nudes for attention in menopause when you should be chilling with the grandkids."

"Com on your are 60 years old," said another.

She was only 56 at the time, FYI.

Replying to this, Berry wrote: "And what’s wrong with that! Aging is beautiful and glorious!"

You tell 'em, Halle.

Featured Image Credit: Instagram/@halleberry

Topics: News, Celebrity, Instagram, Halle Berry