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Halle Berry hits back at trolls who criticized naked photo

Halle Berry hits back at trolls who criticized naked photo

Halle Berry has whipped her claws out on social media users who negatively commented on her nude Instagram photo.

Halle Berry has whipped her claws out on social media users who negatively commented on her nude Instagram photo.

The Catwoman and X-Men star received widespread praise for sharing a naked photograph of herself drinking wine on a balcony.

However, as we all know with social media, there's always at least one negative Nancy who's got nothing better to do with their life than troll.

Halle Berry posted a naked photograph of herself drinking wine on a balcony on Instagram.
Instagram/ @halleberry

To give the trolls their dues, it's fair enough they're jealous of Berry. There she is sipping wine, butt-naked while bathing in glorious sunshine, while most of us are stuck at desks, having to commute on sweaty tubes and look outside to be met with the view of April showers in full force - need I say more?

However, jealously shouldn't need to amount to something as petty as hateful social media trolling.

One Instagram user wrote: "Com on your are 60 years old."

"Imagine being in your 50s, still posting nudes for attention in menopause when you should be chilling with the grandkids.

“Ageing with dignity is no longer a thing,” another said, as per Film News.

Some took to the post to criticise the image.
Instagram/ @halleberry

Berry responded to the first, writing: “And what’s wrong with that! Aging is beautiful and glorious!”

The actor replied to the second: “Did you guys know the heart of a shrimp is located in its head?”

*Mic drop*

Many flocked to the post in praise of the picture. Halle Berry posted a naked photograph of herself drinking wine on a balcony on Instagram.
Instagram/ @halleberry

Berry also responded to other followers who commended the photo.

One wrote: "I think it’s tastefully done I don’t think there’s anything wrong with that.”

"You arrive at a certain age and you can do whatever you wanna do! Freedom is the name of the game,” Berry responded.

"I see! Bosses do what they choose to do," another added.

Berry replied: “Okay! Do life on your own terms!

Berry has spoken out about the societal attitude towards women ageing before.
Instagram/ @halleberry

Berry has previously spoken out about aging as a woman.

She told AARP: "We’re all going to get older. Our skin is going to shrivel up and we’re going to look different. I see things changing with my face and body, but I’ve never put all my eggs in that basket.

"I’ve always known that beauty is deeper than the physical body you’re walking around in. That’s going to fade, and I refuse to become someone who just tries to hold onto a youthful face and not embrace what’s most important about being beautiful - how you live your life, how you give back to others, how you connect to people, how you strengthen your mind, body and soul and nourish yourself, how you give in a meaningful way of yourself. The most beautiful people have something radiating inside.

"Women are told that when we reach a certain number, we’re no longer valuable. I believe the opposite. Society should look at us as jewels as we get older. Because the older women get, the more formidable we are."

Featured Image Credit: Instagram/ @halleberry

Topics: Instagram, Social Media, Halle Berry, Celebrity, Film and TV