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Elon Musk's mum is asking everyone to stop being mean to her son

Elon Musk's mum is asking everyone to stop being mean to her son

Yep, that ought to put a stop to it!

Elon Musk's mum has asked everyone to stop being so mean to her son so you had better quit it or else she'll tell your parents.

So he might be single-handedly be ruining Twitter with dodgy verification processes. And he might also have laid off thousands of employees and started overworking those who were lucky enough to keep their jobs.

And, yes, he might even be promoting a culture of free speech on Twitter that could inevitably result in dangerous, extremist views being amplified.

But his mum is telling you to get off his back, so let's just keep the criticism to a minimum guys, okay? I'm looking at you, Whoopi Goldberg.

Maye Musk, 74, took part in BBC's new documentary The Elon Musk Show to talk about her 'genius' son and all of his accomplishments, but insisted that the billionaire didn't have it easy.

Speaking in the third and final part of the documentary, Maye noted that her son is 'really dedicated to saving the planet', but still gets a hard time.

She said: "I'm happy to say that Space X and Tesla are in the hands of my brilliant son - well, genius son.

"We admire him for that, we don't want to be him. Because with those companies, he gets a lot of hate. Stop being mean to him!"

Honestly, I can't imagine why anyone would want to bully this poor guy.

And on top of all the bullies who are being mean to him, Elon recently claimed that he's his own worst critic.

Speaking at a business summit in Bali this week, the Twitter owner warned entrepreneurs who hope to be the 'Elon Musk of the East', that it wasn't worth it.

Elon Musk's mum wants you to stop being mean to him.
Alamy / David Branson

"I'd be careful what you wish for. I'm not sure how many people would actually like to be me", he confessed.

"They would like to be what they imagine being me, which is not the same.

"I mean, the amount that I torture myself, is the next level, frankly."

Elsewhere in the business forum, he admitted that his recent Twitter purchase had left him with 'too much work on my plate.'

Since taking over the social media company for $44 billion (£28 billion) last month, Elon has already told remaining staff that the company is facing bankruptcy.

The Tesla founder is said to have written via email: “Without significant subscription revenue, there is a good chance Twitter will not survive the upcoming economic downturn. We need roughly half of our revenue to be subscription.”

Poor Elon has enough on his plate without people piling on to give him a hard time, so stop being mean to him or else he won't let you join his Mars colony.

All three episodes of The Elon Musk Show are available to stream now on BBC iPlayer.

Featured Image Credit: John Nacion / Alamy Stock Photo/UPI / Alamy Stock Photo

Topics: Elon Musk, Twitter