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Britney Spears believes fans went 'too far' when they called police on her for welfare check

Britney Spears believes fans went 'too far' when they called police on her for welfare check

Britney says she feels 'gaslit' and 'bullied' after the police visit.

Britney Spears has slammed fans who went 'too far' after calling police to carry out a welfare check at her home.

The pop legend is having a hard time striking a balance on social media these days; when she posts to Instagram, her fans worry about her; and when she stops posting and deletes her account, her fans worry about her.

After months of posting all sorts of explicit pics and public callouts directed at everyone from her sister Jamie Lynn to Stranger Things star Millie Bobby Brown, Britney decided to erase it all and delete her account altogether.

The move only made fans more concerned, though, and soon worried calls started coming into Ventura County Sheriff's Office.

Britney has called out fans for calling the police on her.
PA Images / Alamy Stock Photo

Police were called to Britney's home on Tuesday night (24 January), but confirmed that there was no reason to be alarmed.

And now Britney is assuring fans of the same thing - while also letting them know that she's pretty p***ed off at them for calling the police.

"As everyone knows the police were called to my home based on some prank phone calls," she wrote in a statement to Twitter.

"I love and adore my fans but this time things went a little too far and my privacy was invaded."

She explained that police had no reason to enter her home as 'when they came to my gate they quickly realised there was no issue and left immediately.'

The singer continued: "This felt like I was being gaslit and bullied once the incident made it to the news and being portrayed once again in a poor and unfair light by the media.

Britney is not happy with fans.
Abaca Press/Alamy

"During this time in my life, I truly hope the public and my fans [who] know I care so much about [them] can respect my privacy moving forward. All the love, B."

Following the welfare visit, a spokesperson for the sheriff's department confirmed that there was no reason to be worried about Britney.

"I can confirm that we did get calls into our dispatch, and essentially, I can confirm that we don’t believe that Britney Spears is in any kind of harm or any kind of danger,” they told Page Six.

The police department didn't reveal how many reports or phone calls they had received over Britney's welfare.

Although they couldn't go into much more detail for the sake of Britney's 'privacy', they insisted that Britney doesn't appear to be 'in any kind of harm or danger'.

Police say fans have nothing to worry about.
ZUMA Press, Inc. / Alamy Stock Photo

The spokesperson explained: "It’s just a privacy thing for the residents in our county.

"It’s a public trust issue. We just don’t disclose those kinds of things [such as wellness checks]. It’s not a crime.

“We don’t really talk about any kind of mental health issues or anything like that.

"I can’t confirm or deny that deputies went to her house, but we don’t believe that Britney Spears is in any kind of harm or danger at this point."

Featured Image Credit: @britneyspears/instagram

Topics: Britney Spears, Celebrity, Music, Police