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Hogwarts Legacy player uses disillusionment spell to discover hilariously disturbing secret

Hogwarts Legacy player uses disillusionment spell to discover hilariously disturbing secret

People are finding the bizarre secret hilarious

Potterheads have flocked to get their hands on Hogwarts Legacy in the hopes of further exploring the world of Hogwarts and everything in-between.

Some eager players, however, have taken their exploration a step further and have unlocked a few little-known secrets about the School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

People are finding one particular discovery hilariously disturbing. Check it out here:

Players of the record-breaking action role-playing game have definitely been having some fun with the latest addition to the Portkey Games franchise.

From creating some very cursed Shrek mods - yes, you heard that right - to theorising about all things quidditch, players haven't held back in their exploration of the hit Hogwarts Legacy video game.

Hogwarts Legacy was first released last Friday (10 February) and players have not stopped sharing their tales of gallivanting about in the Wizarding World.

PortkeyGames/Warner Bros

And this was definitely the case for one Potterhead who discovered what happens when a player approaches a knight with a disillusionment spell.

The iconic spell first made its appearance in Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix and works by making someone more or less invisible.

While the game's official website does encourage players to 'grow their magical abilities by mastering spells,' this may not be what they had in mind.

The player took to Twitter to share the secret, captioning the post: "Everyone knows the armoured knights move but have you tried using the Disillusionment spell when approaching them?"

PortkeyGames/Warner Bros

The player shared screen footage of the bizarre interaction.

The Twitter user casted the spell at the bottom of the central hall staircase and then ran up a flight of stairs while hidden by the invisibility charm.

Upon opening the door, an armoured knight can be seen grunting and shuffling about whilst rhythmically humming standing next to another, less-animated one.

The knight on the right then, seemingly out of nowhere, lifts up his lance and smacks the knight and knocks the armour to the floor.

It then hits the scattered metal pieces some more - three times to be exact - all the while continuing to grunt quite intensely.

Almost as if it were a victory dance, the knight then jumps about and stomps on the torso before resuming its position on the stand.

PortkeyGames/Warner Bros

As if nothing had even happened, the musical humming then starts up again.

The post has since amassed over 93.7k impressions, with many Potterheads eager to share the reactions to the disturbingly funny gameplay.

"This game is just great in every way lol," commented one Twitter user.

Another added: "The sound effects are killing me."

"I love all the intricacies in this game," a final player wrote, "there's always something going on."

Who knows what other secrets of the magical school will be uncovered.

Featured Image Credit: PortkeyGames/Warner Bros

Topics: Technology, Gaming, Harry Potter