A psychic who correctly predicted Brexit and the death of Queen Elizabeth has some more unsettling predictions for 2024.
Now we're finally in the new year many of us are looking forward to what 2024 has in store, and one psychic seems to already have those answers just three days in.
British psychic Craig Hamilton-Parker, also aptly known as the ‘Prophet of Doom’, has released a flurry of new predictions for this year, following his predictions from last year - many of which eerily came true.

The 69-year-old claims he can see into the future and correctly predicted major global events, such as the Covid-19 pandemic, Donald Trump becoming President of the United States and the death of Queen Elizabeth II, all of which came to fruition, as we're all aware.
But the spiritual medium, who has also been dubbed the ‘new Nostradamus’, has unfortunately predicted some more doom and gloom coming our way just as a new year begins.
In a recent Youtube video, he explained that within his visions he can see events for the rest of the year, which he says include global cyber attacks, natural disasters worldwide such as floods and earthquakes, and a worrying 'Russia-China alliance'.

He said: "Back in 2015, I started to say that I saw that Russia and China would form an alliance, and this is beginning to happen.
"So one of my first predictions is about this Russian and China alliance, which I think is very important at the moment.
"I said at the time that the Russian economy would be seen to shrink over the coming years and would do an arms deal with China, and sadly, that's beginning to happen, particularly over the Ukraine war."
The one positive vision he forebodes is that the world will find a cure for cancer within the next twelve months: ‘'This is all going to be tied in with artificial intelligence, and I feel that something major is going to be discovered straight away in 2024.

"Many advances in the medical field and care, advances in alzheimer's as well, which would suit me well because I am getting there."
But as far as ‘feel-good’ goes, there isn’t much more the psychic adds as the rest of his predictions are pretty glum, with cyber attacks and natural disasters such as earthquakes around the world being predicted.
"We're going to see spyware, a big spyware release will happen. There's something going to happen that will bring down some banking systems," he said.
Craig claimed there will also be many natural disasters in 2024 around the world, including an earthquake in America and Italy.
He continued: "I feel that America is going to get quite a big earthquake, and it'll go all along the west coast and as far as Mexico City. I don't see everything collapsing...but I feel there is a big one coming this year."
Craig added that he sees 'big floods' that will engulf London and Europe, with Germany being particularly affected.
Happy New Year, everyone!
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