An elderly woman in Atlanta is set to receive a $3 million settlement from Dunkin' Donuts after a coffee incident.
The woman claimed she suffered severe second and third-degree burns from the coffee spill after buying it at a local Dunkin' Donuts in Sugar Hill, Georgia.
Her attorney, Benjamin Welch of Morgan & Morgan, said the incident occurred in February 2021 due to the fact that the lid of the cup was not fastened completely. The spill allegedly caused burns on her thighs, groin and abdomen.

The woman has since required extensive skin grafts and her ongoing medical expenses have exceeded $200,000. As a result of the incident, the woman says she still struggles with day-to-day life and is required to apply creams and ointments several times a day, according to her attorney.
“America may run on Dunkin', but our client had to re-learn how to walk due to the severity of her burns,” Welch said in a statement.
“Her burns were so severe that she spent weeks in the burn unit at Grady Health and has had to entirely alter the way she lives her life. Walking still causes her pain [and] she can’t go out in the sun.

A spokesperson for the legal firm said this case will serve as a reminder to restaurants that they will be 'held accountable for their negligence and [should] work harder to ensure the utmost safety when it comes to the food and drinks they serve'.
UNILAD has contacted Morgan & Morgan and Dunkin' Donuts for comment.
Dunkin Donuts faced a less expensive setback last month when a TikToker went viral for divulging the ingredients of one of the tastiest looking new items on the menu.

The donut companies' new pumpkin-flavored frozen coffee drink shocked social media users for its high sugar content.
The Pumpkin Swirl Frozen Coffee has apparently 185 grams of sugar, which is equivalent to 46 teaspoons and has 930 calories.
While many of us claim to have quite the sweet tooth, the drink apparently amounts to 14 glazed donuts, according to the TikTok user Flavcity.
“Who the f—k thought it was a good idea to put this on the menu?” the TikToker said during the video.
Though in the company's defense, the drink does look delicious.
According to the Dunkin Donut's website, a regular frozen coffee drink is 208kcal while a large is 261kcal, far from the calorific highs of the Pumpkin Swirl Frozen Coffee.
Topics: News, US News, Food and Drink