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Woman sues ex-husband for being ‘ageist’ after accusing him of leaving her for a younger woman

Woman sues ex-husband for being ‘ageist’ after accusing him of leaving her for a younger woman

The woman sued her ex-husband for being ageist following accusations he left her for someone younger.

The break down of a marriage can be difficult for all parties concerned, but in one bizarre incident, a woman has successfully sued her former husband for being ageist as she alleged he left her for a younger woman.

Tim Belson, 72, and his ex-wife Eleanor, 61, have been locked in a bitter spat following the deterioration of their relationship.

The British couple split two-and-a-half years ago, and Eleanor has brought four cases against her former partner. The first of the cases was raised in April 2022, where she claimed he was ‘ageist’ in ending their marriage.


She went on to accuse him of getting with a younger woman, as well as taking revenge against her by firing her from her job at his upmarket jeweler business.

In her claim of unfair dismal, Eleanor has been successful and has been awarded £8,922.50 ($11,239.18).

However, the panel reviewing the cases between the couple have condemned both for their petty attitude and behavior between one another.




Employment Judge Holly Stout, who chaired the panel, also dismissed the claims of ageism against Mr. Belson and said that his new girlfriend is in fact older than Eleanor.


In April, a weeklong hearing in central London also concluded that Eleanor was actually the one that left the marriage.

Stout said: “Between the summer of 2021 and the termination of the [Mrs. Belson’s] employment the relationship between [her] and Mr Belson (in all its respects: marital, personal and work) broke down – in our judgment, irretrievably.

“Both parties conducted themselves in a way that was calculated or likely to destroy the relationship of trust and confidence between them and which did as a matter of fact in our judgment destroy that relationship.

“They both accused each other of lying about property they owned and taking/retaining property belonging to the other and they both contacted the police about each other’s conduct.

The panel reviewing the cases between the couple have condemned both for their petty attitude and behavior.
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“Moreover, they continue with this conduct. At this hearing, they levelled at each other further accusations of lying. They argued about almost every point of the evidence.

“They have been unable as yet to reach an amicable settlement in relation to their divorce even though their split took place now 2.5 years ago.

“[Mrs. Belson] has brought not only these legal proceedings against Mr. Belson, but also has brought or supported at least three other sets of legal proceedings that we have heard about.”

Eleanor’s other claims of disability and marital status discrimination, as well as whistle-blowing detriments, were also unsuccessful.

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Topics: Sex and Relationships, UK News