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Woman divides opinion after revealing she's becoming a grandma at 37

Woman divides opinion after revealing she's becoming a grandma at 37

The TikTok star became pregnant with her eldest daughter aged 16, and will become a grandparent in April

A baby-faced grandma-to-be has baffled TikTokers after revealing she's set to welcome her first grandchild aged 37.

If you're wondering how the math works on this one, she explains everything in the video below:

The TikTok star took to the video-sharing app this week to announce that her eldest daughter, 20, is expecting her first baby.

What is more unbelievable, however, is that the social media mum has actually welcomed FOUR children in her three-and-a-half decades on earth, being that she barely looks older than a high school student herself!

In the video - which has accumulated a staggering 1.3 million views since being posted - Misty Dawn Hight was keen to tell her followers that she's soon set to take on the ‘MeeMaw Misty’ nickname, as she will be known by her incoming grandchild.

Fans couldn't believe her age.

"Y’all keep asking how I’m gonna be a grandmother, so let me explain," she laughed, before telling viewers that her eldest daughter Rileigh would be giving birth to her first child in April this year.

"I got pregnant with Rileigh at 15, and I was with her dad from 12-21-years-old," before disclosing she had been in a relationship with him since she was 12 before marrying him at 19 and leaving him at 21.

In North Carolina, where Misty is from, the age of consent is 16, however someone is only prosecuted if they are four years older than the minor they had sex with.

Misty revealed she'd saved her lunch money all week to purchase a pregnancy test: "I had asked mum to put me on birth control, but she refused."

Nine months later, she welcomed her daughter in 2003 at 16 years old, admitting she didn’t know what she was getting herself into at the time: "I was very naive."

Since then, she's welcomed a further three daughters, aged 11, 13 and 16.

Misty has four daughters.

What Misty didn't expect however, was to trigger such dramatically divided opinion when it comes to her family's set-up.

One user called her story 'gross' whole another wrote: "That's exactly [why I] didn't allow my kids to date at that age."

A third said: "You act like this is OK. It's not."

The majority of viewers were simply astounded by how youthful Misty looked for her age, with many begging her to drop her skincare routine.

"Oh my gosh it is the best feeling," one gushed over become a grandparent. "But I swear you look 20".

A second went on: "You look like your maybe 22! We need to know your skincare routine!"

Other young parents and grandparents pledged the support to her: "Y'all all of us grandmas in our thirties, we could get to actually see our great great grandbabies"

Many viewers pledged their support to the grandmother-to-be.

"You’re gonna love it. I had my son at 15 he’s 23 now. My grandson is 4 months. My lil blessing," a fourth penned.

Another added: "Welcome to the young grammas club. It happens! My daughter had her baby at 17. I was 38 at the time."

Featured Image Credit: TikTok/@mistydawn3431

Topics: Parenting, Sex and Relationships, US News, TikTok