A video has been released showing an Oklahoma police captain trying to get out of a DUI arrest, begging the officer to turn his body camera off.
The Oklahoma City Police Department shared a clip of Captain James French, who has been in the force for 32 years, attempting to convince a police officer to cut him some slack.
Suspecting the police captain had been drinking before sitting behind the wheel, an officer stopped him and gave him a field sobriety test, to which French protested.
He can be heard in the video trying to butter up his fellow cop, identifying himself as a captain of Oklahoma City police and asking the officer to switch his body cam off so they could talk privately.

The officer refused to turn off the device and asked French to step out of the vehicle, questioning him on how much he had been drinking that night.
"Not much," French replied before admitting he had been downed three or four beers during a poker game earlier that evening.
Despite the captain's insistences that the officer turned off his camera, the latter refused and demanded French took the test.
"I don't show favoritism to anyone, regardless," the officer can be heard saying in the video.
"I don't care if you're a gang banger or the President of the United States… If I were to treat you differently than I was to treat like, some southside loco or some pedo, how's that look on me?"
After some back and forth, French agreed to take the test.
After failing to prove his sobriety, he was then asked to put his hands behind his back. The officer proceeded to handcuff him, before turning the camera off.
French has now been placed on administrative leave and is pending a criminal investigation, an Oklahoma County Detention Center spokesman has confirmed.

In other wild arrest news, a South Dakota man was taken into custody last year when his mother accidentally served his weed brownies to pensioners at her senior centre.
Michael James Koranda fell asleep after baking a batch of the chocolatey sweet treats, enhanced with some THC butter which he purchased from Colorado.
While he was resting, his mother Irene Koranda saw the brownies and thought it would be a good idea to bring them to her community centre to share with the seniors there - unaware of the actual content of the baked goods.
Koranda was arrested for possession of a controlled substance and given a suspended sentence with two years of probation.