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Dee Dee Blanchard convinced world daughter was disabled in only known TV interview before being murdered
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Dee Dee Blanchard convinced world daughter was disabled in only known TV interview before being murdered

The mother managed to convince everyone that Gypsy Rose was severely disabled before she was killed

The mother of Gypsy Rose Blanchard managed to convince the world that her daughter was disabled in the only known TV interview before being murdered.

Dee Dee Blanchard was killed by Gypsy's boyfriend, Nick Godejohn, back in 2015 after he stabbed her multiple times.

Before being murdered, the mother convinced support groups, local authorities and even medical professionals that her child was suffering with a whole multitude of physical and mental disabilities. Check out the interview here:

Dee Dee's body was found by authorities in her Missouri home with multiple stab wounds that were days old.

Police were only alerted of a potential issue after a series of alarming posts were uploaded on a Facebook account Dee Dee shared with her daughter Gypsy Rose.

One of the posts in question read: "That b***h is dead."

The discovery led to some pretty harrowing insights to the pair's bizarre mother-daughter relationship, namely that Dee Dee claimed that her daughter had been struggling with physical and cognitive issues since childhood.

However, when doctors examined Gypsy, they found that she didn't actually have anything wrong with her - finding no evidence at all of the many health issues Dee Dee had claimed.

"It's so easy to live here. And it's so peaceful."
YouTube/TMJ4 News

Godejohn was later convicted of first degree murder and sentenced to life in prison for the murder of his girlfriend's mom, while Gypsy received a 10-year sentence after being charged with second-degree murder.

But, she is now up for parole later this year.

Shot back in 2008, seven years before Godejohn murdered her, Dee Dee and Gypsy Rose once sat down to discuss their reaction to Habitat for Humanity building them a brand-new accessible home fitted with a jacuzzi and a wheelchair ramp.

It is the only known footage of Dee Dee speaking in a TV interview.

In the interview, Gypsy says: "I remember my mom had gave me this little glass house and she said 'one day this will be real'.

"Now it finally is," the daughter beams.

Dee Dee then chimes in, revealing: "It's so easy to live here. And it's so peaceful."

"Happy endings are not just in fairy tales. They're real and true in real life."
YouTube/TMJ4 News

Clearly over-the-moon with the work done by Habitat for Humanity, Gypsy boasts: "We have an awesome bathtub. It's a jacuzzi tub, meant for my muscles, and we have a wonderful ramp.

"It just proves that happy endings are not just in fairy tales. They're real and true in real life also."

Gypsy has currently served 80 percent of her 10-year sentence and is currently set for release in 2025.

However, she could be out sooner than expected as she's eligible for parole by the end of this year.

Featured Image Credit: YouTube/TMJ4 News

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