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Ryan Reynolds says Wolverine in Deadpool 3 will be ‘something completely new’

Ryan Reynolds says Wolverine in Deadpool 3 will be ‘something completely new’

Hugh Jackman is set to reprise his iconic role one final time in Deadpool 3.

Now that we all know Wolverine will be back on the big screen in Deadpool 3, Ryan Reynolds has teased what’s in store for fans, hinting that the mutant will return as ‘something completely new’.

Hugh Jackman’s surprising return was confirmed in the most Ryan Reynolds way known to man, in a tongue-in-cheek video posted on Reynolds’ Twitter last year with the caption: "Hard keeping my mouth sewn shut about this one."

Despite apparently hanging up his claws for the last time after playing Wolverine in the critically acclaimed swan song Logan in 2017, the adamantium-filled hero will return.

Jackman settled the concerns of worried fans by explaining how Deadpool 3 will impact his character's timeline - who met his demise at the end of Logan.

Reynolds has teased a new version of Wolverine for Deadpool 3.
20th Century Fox

"It’s all because of this device they have in the Marvel world of moving around timelines," Jackman told SiriusXM in December.

Now we can go back because, you know, it’s science. So, I don’t have to screw with the Logan timeline, which was important to me. And I think probably to the fans too."

The Deadpool-Wolverine combo film will also be Reynolds' character's first foray into the Marvel Cinematic Universe as well.

Reynolds has now offered more details about how the Deadpool-Wolverine team-up came to be and the ‘divergence’ of the Wolverine we’ve seen Jackman play before.

“I never stopped [trying to get him to come back as Wolverine],” Reynolds told ET Canada.

“I was just pestering him like a gnat over the last many years. I believe in timing, as much as hard work and luck and all those intersections that are supposed to meet. Timing’s the big one. I think he was ready. I think he was excited.

Hugh Jackman will return as Wolverine after his last stint as the character in Logan.
20th Century Fox

“And what we pitched him was enough of a divergence from the character that he knows and the character that he’s left behind, that it gives him something completely new to play and something that he’s really excited to do.”

For the Wolverine obsessives who are still concerned about how Deadpool 3 fits into the hero’s overall cinematic story, Reynolds backed Jackman’s previous comments.

The Wrexham FC co-owner added: “Logan takes place in 2029. Totally separate thing. Logan died in Logan. Not touching that.”

Fans should learn more over the coming months as the film is scheduled to start production next month. Deadpool 3 is currently slated for a theatre release on 8 November, 2024.

Featured Image Credit: UPI / Photo 12 / Alamy

Topics: Film and TV, Marvel, Ryan Reynolds, Hugh Jackman