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Man gives incredibly awkward wrong answer on Wheel of Fortune leaving everyone on set stunned

Man gives incredibly awkward wrong answer on Wheel of Fortune leaving everyone on set stunned

Wheel of Fortune viewers are flocking to social media in stitches over 'the most embarrassing moment of all time' on the game show

Wheel of Fortune viewers are flocking to social media in stitches over 'the most embarrassing moment of all time' on the game show.

Wheel of Fortune may be advertised a game show, but it's certainly no ordinary game show. Providing viewers with some of the most bizarre and outrageous moments on TV, there's never a moment of boredom and last night's episode (23 May) was no exception.

Prepare to feel your jaw drop:

The contestants on last night's episode - including a man named Tavaris - were tasked with solving a 'Phrase' puzzle.

The phrase featured four blank spaces, and then a new word beginning with 'i' with one other space, then 't,' blank space, 'e' and the final word begun with 'b' with two blank spaces and a 't' and exclamation mark.

Tavaris dinged his bell in rapid fashion and host Pat Sajak invited him to make a guess.

However, nothing could've quite prepared studio audiences or those on set for the answer the contestant delivered.

What answer would you've guessed? (CBS/ Wheel of Fortune)
What answer would you've guessed? (CBS/ Wheel of Fortune)

With barely a quiver of doubt in his voice but a strong conviction instead, Tavaris responded: "Right in the butt!"

And you could hear a pin drop in the studio, before gaps and awkward laughter erupted across the audience and another contestant simply queried: "What?!"

Seemingly too taken aback to even comment on the answer fully, Sajak responded: "No."

Fellow contestant Blake then quickly pinged her bell and saved the day, correctly answering: "This is the best!"

Sounding relieved but also unable to contain a tone of amusement, Sajak replied: "Yeah, that's it."

According to TODAY, Tavaris later apologised to Sajak for the answer, noting he 'was a little excited', and while Sajak said they'd try to 'figure out a way to handle [the moment] tastefully,' well, the moment certainly didn't go unnoticed with viewers, who flocked to social media in stitches over the moment.

The whole studio appeared taken aback by the answer (CBS/ Wheel of Fortune)
The whole studio appeared taken aback by the answer (CBS/ Wheel of Fortune)

One X user said: "The most embarrassing moment of all time."

However, another added: "He knew it was wrong and said it anyway. The hero we deserve."

"I think he was asking his wife. Such a romantic gesture to do it on television," a third wrote.

A fourth commented: "How hilarious that was!"

And a final resolved: "Just give him the money for that answer."

The episode will certainly go down in history among viewers and not just as a result of Tavaris' answer - host Sajak retiring from his role as host of Wheel of Fortune after over 40 years.

Sajak's final episode is set to air on 7 June later this year and Ryan Seacrest will be his replacement.

Featured Image Credit: CBS/ Wheel of Fortune

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