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Fans are wondering how The Incredibles ‘got away with that’ after pointing out controversial scenes

Fans are wondering how The Incredibles ‘got away with that’ after pointing out controversial scenes

Prepare to look at The Incredibles in a whole new way.

Warning: This article contains discussion of suicide which some readers may find distressing.

A fan has pointed out some very adult scenes in The Incredibles and people are weighing in.

The 2004 movie was - and will forever remain - one of the standout Disney Pixar releases of our childhoods.

However, like when you realised the more adult messages in The Little Mermaid's 'Under the Sea,' The Incredibles also contains some moments which you may not have realised the significance of when watching through your innocent child eyes.

And one fan has pointed out a whopping eight scenes which might make you think, 'How did The Incredibles get away with that?' when looking at them through your now-adult lens. Prepare to question your childhood:

The first moment pointed out by X user Doctor Idk - who goes by @bigmonkeong - is when Mr Incredible 'saves a person attempting suicide'.

The scene sees a man jump from the top of a skyscraper building and Mr Incredible soar through the air to grab him and ultimately save him.

The second moment follows when the person who jumped off the building sues Mr Incredible for 'ruining his death', news coverage showing the angry man in a neck cast facing off against the superhero.

There's not much more that needs explaining really is there?

Mr Incredible saves someone who jumps off a building.
Buena Vista Pictures Distribution

The third scene shows Mr Incredible sat down with his boss at his day job at an insurance company, the scene 'depicting the evil' of those companies.

Gilbert Huph can be seen complaining Mr Incredible is being too transparent with customers leaving the them able to 'exploit every loophole' and 'dodge every obstacle'.

"They're penetrating the bureaucracy," he shrieks.

Oh, and then Huph grabs Mr Incredible by his chin, jokes about a mugging and then Mr Incredible has enough and grabs him by the throat.

It's probably a good time to remind you this scene was included as part of a movie which kids watch.

Insurance companies don't come out of the film looking too good.
Buena Vista Pictures Distribution

Next up is 'Elastigirl growing suspicious of Mr Incredible cheating on her'. She decides to pick up the other end of the phone to have a listen in on her husband's mysterious conversation and then questions him - he says it's the office and he has to go away for a conference, she pretends to believe him - both lying to one another's faces.

Fifth is 'Mr incredible finds out Syndrome has been doing a superhero genocide' when he stumbles across a screen in Syndrome's layer which identifies which superheroes have been 'terminated'.

And on her way to save her husband, Elastigirl tells Violet and Dash 'real life bad guys kill children' - again, it's worth remembering Violet is meant to be around 14-17 years old and Dash around 10.

Oh, and the message this could give the kids at home watching, although my grade three teacher definitely scared me more by giving us a lesson on what to do if someone tries to kidnap you. For anyone interested, the answer was to pee on them.

The X user calls it 'superhero genocide'.
Buena Vista Pictures Distribution

The penultimate slightly questionable scene sees Mr Incredible tracked down by Syndrome's 'life detector'.

Naturally, the nearest object to him ends up being Gazerbeam's skeleton which he uses to mask his presence from the technology.

Oh, and how could we forget the cheeky interaction between Mr Incredible and Elastigirl when she's taking away the washing, the pair giving each other a cheeky slap on the bum.

Although, let's be real, most of us ended up accidentally walking in on a lot worse than that between our own parents when we were kids.

But what do other Incredibles fans have to say about it all?

Buena Vista Pictures Distribution

Well, it didn't take long for viewers to flood to social media to weigh in on the clips.

One said: "I didn’t understand what I was seeing as a kid when I watched this.."

"Im surprised Pixar actually allowed this," another said, in relation to the attempted suicide scene.

A third commented: "This movie was for the grown ups and I appreciated it."

However, a fourth voiced: "Explains more the absurdity of today's sensitivity more than anything."

A fifth wrote: "I think The Incredibles is a great example of the difference between a kid's movie and a family movie.

"My dad, who is currently in his 60s and thought every Pokemon was Pikachu, still remembers The Incredibles and how good it was."

And a final simply resolved: "It got away with all that it did because it’s one of the greatest superhero movies OAT."

So, what do you think?

UNILAD has contacted Disney and Pixar for comment.

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Featured Image Credit: Pixar

Topics: Film and TV, Social Media, Twitter, Disney, Pixar, Entertainment, Mental Health

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