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Top Gun: Maverick star says that Tom Cruise almost killed him

Top Gun: Maverick star says that Tom Cruise almost killed him

A Top Gun: Maverick cast member has recalled the time Tom Cruise almost killed him.

In a new interview, Top Gun: Maverick star Glen Powell has been discussing the time that Tom Cruise almost killed him.

Given all the mad stunts he has performed in his many films throughout the years, Cruise is obviously an adrenaline junkie.

And at 60 years of age, it doesn't seem he'll be stopping any time soon, with his latest, Top Gun: Maverick, showing the veteran actor certainly still has it.

But the adrenaline junkie inside him seemed to scare Powell when the pair went skydiving a few years ago.

Speaking on The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon to promote his latest film Devotion, Powell discussed exactly what happened.

He said: "We were gonna go do some reshoots in London. I say, ‘I wanna go skydiving while I’m out here,’ and he says, 'The skydiving here is great.'

Glen Powell was challenged to go skydiving by Tom Cruise.
UPI/Alamy Stock Photo

"[Cruise] sends a helicopter for me but it got so windy that the skydiving team – I was with the UK skydiving team – said it’s so dangerous we should not go skydiving. I said, ‘Alright, I’m no hero.’

"So we scrapped it and went back, and then Tom hit me up a couple of weeks later and was like, ‘Hey man, what are you scared?’ You never took me up on skydiving."

Powell then discussed what happened at the skydive, and the experience which led to him thinking that Cruise had actually killed him.

"So, with the girl that I was seeing at that time, it was our second date, we went skydiving and when I got there, I found out that Tom’s only request was that Glen cannot go skydiving with another person," he said

"He has to go solo the first time. So I literally have to jump out of this plane by myself, but the worst part is that I couldn’t find my tab when I was falling.

Tom Cruise requested that Powell would have to jump out of the plane solo.
Xinhua/Alamy Stock Photo

"My first thought was like, ‘Oh Tom just killed me, he’s gonna feel so bad.’ I’m looking for the tab and I went, ‘You’re not Tom Cruise, you’ll never be Tom Cruise, why did you do this?’

"And then I finally pulled it, I was way below altitude, came in hot, made it."

Top Gun: Maverick was very well received by fans and critics earlier this year, with the blockbuster film sitting at 96 percent on Rotten Tomatoes.

Back in August, it became the sixth-highest-grossing film of all time after passing Avengers: Infinity War.

Featured Image Credit: NBC/YouTube/Pictorial Press Ltd/Alamy Stock Photo

Topics: Film and TV, Tom Cruise