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Skittles issues statement after Harry Styles hit in eye with sweet during concert

Skittles issues statement after Harry Styles hit in eye with sweet during concert

Harry Styles got a Skittle to the eye during his concert.

Skittles has issued a statement after footage of Harry Styles being hit in the eye with the sweet went viral this week.

Styles had been performing in Los Angeles on Monday (14 November) as part of his Love on Tour World tour when one over-excited fan pelted him with a few pieces of candy, with one hitting him right in the eye.

Footage from the gig shows the singer, 28, blowing kisses to a stadium of roaring fans before being knocked back by something thrown up from the crowd.

The 'As It Was' singer turns away from the audience and hunches over, covering his eye with his hand after the unexpected sugar attack.

The fan who posted the clip said the incident ‘ruined’ Styles’ performance of the song 'Kiwi', while other fans have been blasting the anonymous Skittle-thrower.

After a video of the incident started circulating online, it wasn't long before Skittles themselves caught wind of the incident, and took to Twitter to issue a statement.

A member of the company's social media team wrote: "Didn’t think I needed to say this: Please don’t throw Skittles."


The musician's supporters were quick to piggyback off of Skittles' announcement, urging fellow fans to avoid throwing anything at their favourite artists during gigs.

"If we could all just stop throwing *anything* at performers, that'd be great", one Twitter user wrote.

A second agreed: "Not just Skittles, don’t throw anything at ur favourite artist's face! You're at a concert, enjoy the songs and the vibe and sing along, you don’t necessarily need to get his attention by hurting him."

Harry Styles got a Skittle to the eye this week.
Zuma Press Inc/Alamy Stock Photo

Another Harry Styles fan asked the sweet company what they planned to do to help find the culprit, to which Skittles replied: "Check everyone’s fingers for Skittles stains."

The incident happened just days after Styles was forced to reschedule three November dates, moving them to January due to falling ill.

Now, fans suspect that the sugary snack hit him so hard that he might have to rock an eye-patch for a little while

That's because a member of Harry's backing band, Pauli the PSM, was on Instagram Live this week when the pop star briefly tuned in.

Speaking to fans on the livestream, Pauli said: "But do me a favour. Don’t throw no more Skittles on stage."

Harry then chimed in, commenting: "See you tomorrow AVEC eye patch."

That must have been one serious throw.

Featured Image Credit: rvlsoft / Alamy Stock Photo/@ibringthep0p/Twitter

Topics: Harry Styles, Celebrity, Music