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MrBeast’s Kris Tyson says she’s ‘so much happier’ after six months of hormone replacement therapy

MrBeast’s Kris Tyson says she’s ‘so much happier’ after six months of hormone replacement therapy

One of the YouTuber's co-hosts came out as a transgender woman in July

Kris Tyson, one of MrBeast's co-hosts, says she is so much happier after six months of hormone replacement therapy.

Tyson came out as transgender in July and has shared parts of her hormone replacement therapy (HRT) journey with her fans on social media.

This week, she shared a transformation photo on Instagram that showed the difference six months on HRT has made.

“The physical changes aren’t the only things that have made me feel so much happier,” Tyson wrote in the caption.

“The ability to get out of bed, ready to start the day, the desire to live my life to fullest again, and just being able to look in the mirror and see the woman I’ve always known was inside me finally starting to make her way in the world.

"Every day living your life your own way is the best day every day.”

While there were plenty of trolls in the comments, her fans were quick to show their support.

"You're literally GLOWING in the second pic," one person wrote.

Another person said: "You look amazing! Happy for you."

A third added: "I'm so happy for you, Kris!! Keep going on your journey."

In an interview with Smosh’s Anthony Padilla in July, Tyson said she never felt connected to her body until she started the HRT.

"I am a woman. I've never said that publicly, but I've been fully confident in that decision for over a year now," she told Padilla.

Tyson said the therapy had saved her life.

"It felt like a fog had been around me and just went away, and I could see things clearly, and I felt confident in who I was. I knew who I was finally, surely, truly, without a shadow of a doubt, and that is what really saved my life," she said.

The 27-year-old said it was 'societal pressure' that stopped her from coming out sooner.

"'You’re Chris from MrBeast; you’re the guy who starts the fires'. I never really felt like ‘the guy'," she told Padilla.

Tyson befriended James Donaldson aka MrBeast when she was teenager and has been appearing in his YouTube videos for over a decade.

She said Donaldson and the rest of the MrBeast crew were immediately supportive when she came out.

Donaldson has previously defended Tyson on social media.

“Chris (sic) isn’t my ‘nightmare,’” he tweeted in April.

“(Tyson is) my f**ken friend and things are fine.

"All this transphobia is starting to piss me off.”

Featured Image Credit: Instagram/Kris Tyson

Topics: MrBeast, News, YouTube, LGBTQ