Miley Cyrus has revealed some behind-the scenes information from the infamous photo that she did with Vanity Fair.
The shoot saw Cyrus, who up until that point had mainly been associated with her TV persona Hannah Montana, taking a sharp break with her previous work.
It featured Cyrus topless and with a sheet covering her, looking at the camera. The singer and actor was also only 15 years old when the picture was taken.
Now, 15 years on, Cyrus has reflected on the shoot and the controversial reaction that it received.
In a video posted to her TikTok page, one of a series to promote her new song 'Used to Be Young', she opened up about behind the scenes during the infamous shoot.

It turns out that she was accompanied onto the set for the shoot.
The singer said: "My little sister Noah was sitting on Annie's lap and actually pushing the button of the camera, taking the pictures. My family was on set."
She clarified that at the time, they had 'thought that that would be another element that would divide me from Hannah Montana'.
She added: "This image of me is the complete opposite of the bubblegum pop star that I had been known for being, and that's what was so upsetting.
"But really brilliant choices looking back from those people."

When the cover was first released back in 2008, it received a widespread backlash.
Cyrus released a statement at the time, saying: “I took part in a photo shoot that was supposed to be ‘artistic,’ and now, seeing the photographs and reading the story, I feel so embarrassed.
“I never intended for any of this to happen, and I apologise to my fans, who I care so deeply about.”
However, ten years later in 2018 she tweeted a picture of a negative newspaper cover on the photo, alongside the caption “I’m not sorry…fuck you #10yearsago."
Now, Cyrus' latest single 'Used to Be Young' is a reaction to the 'wild' years after she left her role as Hannah Montana the 'bubble-gum pop star'.
This included the Vanity Fair shoot and the provocative music video for her single 'Wrecking Ball'.
The music video which has been released to accompany the song is made up of Cyrus becoming visibly emotional while wearing a Mickey Mouse t-shirt and a glittering red corset.
Topics: News, US News, Miley Cyrus