Heidi Klum said she spent two years working on her unforgettable Halloween costume.
The 49-year-old German American supermodel is known for wearing extravagant costumes to her star-studded Halloween parties in the US, but for the past two years they haven't been able to go ahead due to Covid.
Keen to make up for lost time, she said she spent the intervening period brainstorming and crafting this year's costume with her team - and it did not disappoint.

Klum wriggled on down to her party at Japanese restaurant Sake No Hana in New York on Monday (31 October) dressed as 'The Big Wormy Apple'.
Speaking on the red carpet - where she temporarily lay down and wormed about for a bit - Klum explained the inspiration behind the costume.
According to Vogue, she said: "I wanted this year's party to be better than ever – and that means my costume needed to be more magical than in the year's past.
"I like to do something unexpected, so I tried to think of a costume that is super absurd, but also very familiar.
"Because it is Halloween, you need the creepy factor, also a bit gross and disgusting."
Well, it was mission accomplished on that front, most definitely.

Of course, Klum herself didn't spend nights on end crafting the creepy costume - that was the work of her go-to crew, make-up artist Mike Marino and his team at Prosthetic Renaissance.
"No matter how crazy my ideas are, Mike brings them to life," Klum said. "I wanted to be Jessica Rabbit, and he said, 'No problem.'
"I wanted to be the werewolf from the 'Thriller' video, and he said, 'No problem.' Clone me five times? 'No problem.'"
She continued: "I called him and said, 'Make me a worm,' and he said, 'Huh?!'
"He initially did not want to do it and kept encouraging me to think of a new idea. However, I am not like that: When I fall in love with an idea, I do not want to pivot."
Come on Heidi, even a worm can turn.
Meanwhile, Klum's husband, 33-year-old musician Tom Kaulitz - had a comparatively understated costume; his job was to stand near his wife wearing fishing gear and carrying a rod.
So it was a pretty sweet deal for him.
Topics: Celebrity, Heidi Klum