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Owen Wilson has earned more than $135,000 from his iconic 'wow' catchphrase

Owen Wilson has earned more than $135,000 from his iconic 'wow' catchphrase

Is there anything we can say to that besides 'wow'?

Depending on your age, Owen Wilson is either a popular comedy actor who occasionally shows he's got real acting chops, or he's the guy from the memes who says 'wow'.

Obviously he is the first one and has become the second one thanks to the internet, but it's quite astonishing to discover just how much someone can earn for saying 'wow' a lot.

It's kind of become his thing thanks in no small part to the memes, though those memes would never have been created in the first place if Owen Wilson wasn't the best damn sayer of the word 'wow' in cinema.

On top of that, it helps that he's said it plenty of times throughout his movies, so if you watch something with Wilson in it there's a pretty good chance he's gonna say 'wow'.

As the actor goes 'wow' this and 'wow' that he gets paid the big bucks to appear on the big screen and you'd be surprised just how much of a cash cow it can be to say the magic word.

It turns out you can make quite the career from saying 'wow' a lot, at least if you're Owen Wilson.
Tommaso Boddi/Getty Images

Back in 2019, someone actually sat down and crunched the numbers to get the proper figures on Owen Wilson's earnings from the word 'wow'.

At the time, they figured it all out he'd done 47 movies and spoke on average 3,500 words in those films, while making $217,838,000 in earnings throughout his career.

In those 47 movies, Wilson said 'wow' a whopping 102 times, which if you put all those figures together in the right order amounts to about $1,324 per 'wow' and $135,072 in total from the catchphrase.

While that sounds like a lot, as one person pointed out 'it's a good wow', and he really does seem to have a talent for saying it with some gusto.

Someone else pointed out that to work this all out somebody at some point had to watch all of Owen Wilson's movies and studiously note down how many times he said 'wow'.

Owen Wilson in his recent movie Paint. Wow.
IFC Films

Others simply kicked off a long chain of comments saying 'wow', which is an incredibly appropriate response in this case.

One person said: "Owen Wilson owned the 2000s", though of course he's still going strong 13 years after that decade ended.

Even some fans of Wilson were surprised to find out that he's the brother of fellow actor Luke Wilson, and even though they look and sound very similar, there are plenty who've never put it together in their heads.

Wilson (Owen, not Luke) recently played a Bob Ross-esque artist for the movie Paint, though his character was instead called Carl Nargle, we cannot confirm whether he says 'wow' in the film.

You get that 'wow' money Owen, you've earned it.

Featured Image Credit: Monica Schipper/GA/The Hollywood Reporter via Getty Images / Universal Pictures

Topics: Celebrity, Film and TV, Money