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Arnold Schwarzenegger says heaven is a 'fantasy' and 'we won’t see each other again after we’re gone'

Arnold Schwarzenegger says heaven is a 'fantasy' and 'we won’t see each other again after we’re gone'

I won't be back

Well, I guess Arnold Schwarzenegger won't be back after all.

The Terminator star has opened up about his thoughts on the afterlife and what happens when we all meet our end.

And for him, it will be just that, the end.

Speaking about what awaits us once the curtain has closed on our mortal lives, Arnie claims that there's 'nothing'.

The 75-year-old says that anyone who says that we'll be marching on the pearly gates and having a chat with St Peter is a 'f**king liar'.

Sitting down with Twins co-star Danny DeVito for Interview Magazine, the Hollywood legend was asked: "What's in the future for us?"

"It reminds me of Howard Stern's question to me," Arnie replied. "'Tell me, governor, what happens to us when we die?'

"I said, 'Nothing. You're six feet under. Anyone that tells you something else is a f****** liar'.

Arnold Schwarzenegger says there's 'nothing' after we die.

"I said, 'We don't know what happens with the soul and all this spiritual stuff that I'm not an expert in, but I know that the body as we see each other now, we will never see each other again like that."

Now, with comments like this, you could be forgiven for thinking that Arnie is at ease with the idea of there being nothing after we die, but it turns out that the opposite is true.

After calling heaven a 'fantasy', he went on: "When people talk about, 'I will see them again in heaven', it sounds so good, but the reality is that we won't see each other again after we're gone.

"That's the sad part. I know people feel comfortable with death, but I don't."

Looking back, Arnie revealed that he had lost over a dozen friends in the bodybuilding world over the past 20 years.

The Hollywood legend opened up about the afterlife.
MediaPunch Inc/Alamy

And as a result, he said that he'd come up with his own version of what 'heaven' - whatever that may be - means to him.

"To me, heaven is where I put a person who I love dearly, who is kind, who is generous, who made a difference in my life and other people's lives," he said.

"I keep them in a spot in my head, like that front row that you have of all of your friends.

"And you always have a good feeling when you think of them."

The father-of-five is set to open up further in his new Netflix documentary Arnold, which lands on 7 June.

Featured Image Credit: Netflix

Topics: Arnold Schwarzenegger, US News, Entertainment, Film and TV, Netflix

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