A documentary make went inside a Chinese vape factory and some of the things he saw were surprising
Some vape users have been left surprised after learning how the single-use e-cigarettes are made
Kyla Blight spent two weeks in hospital after her lung collapsed
The teenager wanted to 'fit in' at school so took up the unhealthy habit
Jackson Allard began vaping at the age of 14 which led to serious health issues
The family of Jackson Allard have revealed his final words before being placed on life support after being given a ‘1% chance of survival’.
His 'heart stopped' while fighting for his life in hospital
Sarah Griffin was just nine years old when she started vaping
A team of doctors have saved the life of a man with the help of double-D breast implants
The stepmom has urged parents to talk to their kids after her stepson died at just 15-years-old
Pop star Doja Cat was spotted smoking at the glamorous Met Gala event
The Albanese Government is cracking down vape packaging, importation, availability and contents.
Professor Becky Freeman says this would prevent vapes from saturating the market.
A TikToker urged people to give up vaping after pulling apart the device
A 20-year-old model has claimed that her addiction to vaping caused muscle weakness that left her struggling to stand or walk.