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Fans think they've worked out who the bikini lady is in the GTA VI trailer

Fans think they've worked out who the bikini lady is in the GTA VI trailer

Fans have scrutinized the trailer to figure out the identity of the mysterious woman

GTA fans think they might have worked out the identity of the woman posing in a bikini after scrutinizing the trailer for the new game.

It might have only been three days since the trailer for GTA VI dropped, but that's all the time fans have needed to dive in and dig through every single second of footage.

Excited internet users have been looking for every detail and clue available to find out more information about the game and what it will entail, and a lot of attention has focused around one unfamiliar character.

She appears about 37 seconds into the trailer, spinning towards the camera by the side of a rooftop pool.

The mysterious blonde woman is dressed in a white bikini and wears purple-tinted sunglasses as she puts her hand on the back of her head and looks off into the distance.

Given its preference for keeping details about GTA under wraps - or at least trying to - Rockstar hasn't offered up an explanation for who this woman could be, so fans have decided to figure it out for themselves using what they already know.

The identity of the woman in the bikini has not been confirmed.
Rockstar Games

The trailer for GTA VI quickly introduces fans to Lucia, a character who looks to have run into some tough times as she's seen wearing prison clothing.

Lucia appears to be wrapped up in a Bonnie and Clyde-like relationship with a male character, whose name hasn't been revealed.

Lucia and the bikini-clad woman don't appear to be linked in the trailer, with different looks and surroundings separating them.




However, upon closer inspection, fans think the two women might be more linked than initially thought.

In fact, they suspect Lucia could actually be bikini-woman.

Hear me - or rather, them - out.

With no name to go off, fans have instead honed in on physical details of the bikini-wearing woman to try and figure out her identity.

Fans think they've worked out the woman's identity.

In a post on Reddit, fans have circled a number of different features on the woman in the swimsuit, including moles on her face, chest and arms as well as her jewellery, including multiple necklaces and some hooped earrings.

I should point out that lots of women own hoop earrings and have moles on their skin, but I can't deny that fans have really done the work here.

Looking through multiple different shots of who we know to be Lucia, fans compared her features to the woman in the bikini and managed to find all the same tell-tale signs in all the same places.

Convinced, one Reddit user wrote: "Maybe this is pre prison Lucia?"

Another added: "I think if it is her, she's undercover or trying to draw attention away from something or someone."

However, not everyone's so sure.

Over on X, one GTA fan commented: "Things people need to know about GTA VI/6: The Woman in the ripoff Louis Vuitton Bikini on the balcony IS NOT LUCIA."

Fans will probably have to wait until the game's release in 2025 to know for sure, but they've definitely done the leg work to try and get to the bottom of it before then!

Featured Image Credit: Rockstar Games/Reddit/u/KryperExpress

Topics: Gaming, Grand Theft Auto, Reddit