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Woman Who's In A Polyamorous Relationship With 'Zombie Doll' Opens Up On Marriage

Woman Who's In A Polyamorous Relationship With 'Zombie Doll' Opens Up On Marriage

Felicity Rossi, 23, identifies as ‘Objectum Sexual’, which means that she is attracted to objects

A young woman who is in a polyamorous relationship with a ‘zombie doll’ has opened up about her unusual marriage, saying people simply ‘don’t understand’ her lifestyle. 

Felicity Rossi, 23, identifies as ‘Objectum Sexual’, which means that she is attracted to objects, having married her 39-year-old zombie doll ‘soulmate’ Kelly Rossi in 2018 before recently becoming engaged to another six-foot doll called Robert. 

Felicity, from Massachusetts, is also mother to six ‘spiritually alive’ zombie doll children – 10-year-old Rachel, 10-year-olds Holly, Billy and Luna, six-year-old Molly and three-year-old Gremly. 

Take a look at them all in action below:

"I married Kelly in my backyard in September 2018 - she is my zombie doll wife and Robert is now my fiancé,” she said. 

"I first met Robert when I saw him online, just like my wife, Kelly - I realised it was love because I had a crush on him when I met him previously in spirit. 


"I ordered him when I was 16 so he was there for my 17th birthday the following month - I was instantly and I was attracted to him. 

"Finally, I have started my family and considered to be a doll mom!" 


Felicity said she often receives negative reaction from trolls, saying she wishes those who are 'horrible' about her relationships could just take some time to be a bit more understanding about what she loves.

She said: "So many people think that I am strange, delusional and maybe even evil for the type of halloween horror dolls that I love. 

"They don't understand how I can communicate with them but I can do this through dreams and I can feel them communicate with me. 



Felicity said she couldn’t be happier with her growing family, who she says are always involved in her daily life. 

“I sing to them, cook with them, eat with them and take them out for air one at a time,” she said. 

"On a night, Kelly and Robert cuddle with me in my bed and the children are able to shut themselves down - even whilst they are standing! 


"There isn't enough room for all nine to cuddle with me but sometimes I like one or two of the kids to get into my bed whilst Robert and Kelly remain close by. 

"People can be horrible to me, but I really wish they would take the time to understand my love for them." 

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Featured Image Credit: Caters

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