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Woman accused of dropping off 50 pounds of human waste at a police station's front door

Woman accused of dropping off 50 pounds of human waste at a police station's front door

A US woman has been arrested after dumping 50 lbs' worth of human poo outside a police department in Texas

A US woman has been arrested after allegedly dumping 50 lbs' worth of human poo outside a police department in Texas.

Nope. No need to read that back. We’re sorry to report you read it right the first time.

What’s more, when asked by officers to come and collect the buckets of excrement, the lady in question reportedly declared that it ‘wasn’t her problem’.

According to TMZ, the suspect is 46-year-old Mindy Stephens, the wife of an assistant fire chief.

A US woman has been arrested after dumping 50 pounds worth of human poo outside a police department in Texas.
Wichita County Jail

Stephens is alleged to have pulled up outside Electra Police Department last month and dumped what is — quite literally — the mother of all loads.

Officers are said to have found three five-gallon buckets of poo outside the station and saw Stephens, who was clad in a hazmat suit, strolling towards an SUV that had a trailer attached.

When asked by an officer what she was doing, Stephens is said to have responded: “Dropping off buckets of human sh*t,” before driving away.

Stephens was identified as a suspect after an officer reviewed security footage and recognised Stephens' voice.

Police then contacted city officials about Stephens' deposit and were told she would be called about picking the buckets up.

However, she allegedly told city officials that it ‘wasn’t her problem’, leading her to be charged with illegal dumping, which TMZ points out is a Class B misdemeanour.

She was also charged with violating the Texas health and safety code but released after a night in jail after forking out $2000 in bail money.

TMZ also reports that this isn’t Stephens' first rodeo. Back in 2020, the Texas resident was charged with aggravated assault after she allegedly punctured a man’s arm with a set of keys. Yikes.

By the way, while we’re on the subject of poo, did you know NBA star Shaquille O'Neal used to prank teammates by dumping buckets of poo on them?

Earlier this year, Seattle Supersonics Gary Payton said: “Shaq is a jokester, so if one of the rookies would be in the stall, he would take a bucket, and use the bathroom in it for about a week then all of the sudden he’d pour it on them.”

He went on: “So we started being jokesters. So I said I got to get him. So I got his shorts, his drawers one day, and I took them, and he had to wear them underneath his thing, and be free-balling all the time. But we messed up his pants, so he didn't have his drawers because he was trying to find his drawers, but I had him. So he had to wrap a towel round him.”

Right. That’s enough poo talk for one day.

Featured Image Credit: Wichita County Jail

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