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'Werewolf killer' ordered to stay off dating sites

'Werewolf killer' ordered to stay off dating sites

He stabbed a man 50 times, but on his dating profile he described himself as an 'easy-going adventurer'

A man who brutally killed a stranger he thought was a werewolf has been banned from dating sites.

Pankaj Bhasin, from Virginia, USA, stabbed Bradford Jackson more than 50 times back in 2018.

His attorneys said he was in a psychotic state when he killed the 65-year-old, and the following year he was found not guilty by reason of insanity, resulting in him spending three years in a mental health facility.

Now the 38-year-old is out on conditional release, and a friend of Jackson's was shocked when she came across the killer's dating profile, in which he described himself as an 'easy-going adventurer who believes in universal connection'. The bio also claimed he was 'recently getting back from two years of travel'.

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Speaking to NBC News, Jackson's friend Sarah Bryen said: "It's deceptive. I mean, when you meet someone online, you never know who you're going out on date with for the most part. It could be a guy who stabbed someone 53 times.

"He got out way sooner than anyone expected, and I don't know what went through my mind [after she saw Bhasin's dating profile] other than 'Whoa.'"

This deception concerned prosecutors too, who asked for the conditions of his release be extended.

His dating profile alarmed Jackson's loved ones - as well as prosecutors.
NBC News

"Because the acquittee may be meeting potential romantic partners while not only concealing but actively lying about his recent history, those individuals may be put at risk during a time when the acquittee is first transitioning to the community," the motion reads, as per NBC Washington.

On Thursday, Alexandria Circuit Court Chief Judge Lisa Bondareff Kemler ordered Bhasin to stay off social media as long as he's on conditional release - though he will be allowed to keep using LinkedIn as he looks for a job.

Bhasin's attorney, Peter Greenspun, said his client is doing 'extremely well' and working 'hard with his treatment', though 'understandably' his freedom could concern Jackson's loved ones.

Bhasin thought Jackson was a werewolf.
NBC News

In statement shared with NBC News, he said: "Mr. Bhasin is not on any social media or dating sites. He has and will continue to follow all the directions of the City of Alexandria Circuit Court.

"None of this diminishes in any manner the tragedy of the death of Bradford Jackson and the overwhelming loss to his many family members and friends.

"Mr. Bhasin has expressed his remorse for Mr. Jackson and those who knew him in every setting possible, including in his treatment. While those expressions may, understandably, not be enough for those who are suffering, it is sincere and constant and has been an important part of his recovery." 

If you have experienced a bereavement and would like to speak with someone in confidence, contact Cruse Bereavement Care via their national helpline on 0808 808 1677 

Featured Image Credit: Alexandria Sheriff's Office/Sarah Bryen

Topics: US News, Sex and Relationships, Crime