Does the rush to the airport send your head into a spin? That’s exactly what happened to the newlywed who almost didn’t turn up to her own honeymoon.
Wedding planning can be a lot of stress for anyone, and once it’s all over, it can seem as if acclimating back to the norm is almost impossible.
This is especially true when you need to prepare for the next adventure as husband and wife - the magical vacation in some sunny destination resort to escape to the peace and quiet.
However, it can all go awry if you don’t put the proper plans in place, such as checking your luggage, ensuring that you’ve got your keys, purse, and passport.
Speaking of passports and honeymoons, a couple has come forward to admit that theirs almost didn’t happen after the new bride forgot hers back at the airport.
Planning to jet away to a cruise line dock to begin their international journey onboard a luxury boat, the pair quickly realised that she had forgotten it while they were already in the air.

Delta reported that a passenger identified as Lawryn Fellwock was on an international Delta flight to San Juan with her new husband, Joe, as they were taking a nice flight to their cruise.
But Fellwock soon realised that she was without the most important document which would allow her on board. Without her little passport, the cruise would be a pipe dream and the pair would have to trudge back to their home - if it was found, that is.
According to Delta, the official airline, that’s when one of their flight attendants decided to take action to save the couple’s honeymoon from a crushing failure.
Identified as Dusty Dills by the airline company, according to officials, he reportedly picked up the passport from where Fellwock had left it, all the way in Detroit airport.

Speaking in a video posted to Delta's News Hub, Dills motioned what was going through his head at the time.
He said: “It’s so easy to go throughout the day and do what’s expected of you at work, but (I always try to ask myself) ‘what can I do to make that difference in someone’s life?’"
With that, Dills then went above and beyond for the two strangers by bringing it to Atlanta, before passing it to a crew member who was thankfully heading to the couple’s destination.
In the end, the woman remarkably ended up getting her passport before the destination cruise was due to set sail, and kept her honeymoon plans right on track.
Detailing their feelings about the generosity, the couple said they were 'so touched and grateful'.
Thanks to the actions of the Delta flight attendant, they claim that 'a renewed faith in humanity was the best wedding gift'.