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TikTok 'psychologist' slammed for giving 'toxic' advice in series of videos

TikTok 'psychologist' slammed for giving 'toxic' advice in series of videos

The TikTok user was doling out relationship advice, but not everyone is so thrilled with her suggestion

A self-proclaimed TikTok ‘psychologist’ has been getting quite a bit of stick for some of the relationship advice she’s been shipping out to her followers.

While some people agree with many of the things she says, others have described certain aspects of her dating and relationship philosophy as ‘toxic’ – particularly her views on having children.

Obviously, having kids isn’t for everyone, but that doesn’t mean that you can go around making sweeping generalisations about people’s reasons for having kids either.

See what you make of it below.

The viral video, which has been viewed more than 800,000 times, was shared by a woman called Madeline, who offered up a heap of rules – 48 to be precise – to her 25,000 followers.

Some have gone down well, but others have been called ‘problematic’ and ‘toxic’.

Take rule 28, which states: “Make him think you’re obsessed with him so that when you’re detaching he misses it and becomes obsessed with you.”

That doesn’t sound very healthy.

Or how about rule 30?: “Act like wife material in person then completely uninterested over text, he will become obsessed with the chase.”

Madeline's TikTok bio describes her as a 'psychologist'.

Anyway, the rule that really has been boiling people’s p*** is rule 38, which states: “It’s okay to get your heartbroken… some girls are left with children.”

Yikes, that’s not going to go down well with the parents of the internet.

One person commented: “We aren’t left with kids, we have a priority to make sure children are take [sic] care of and are happy and safe,”

Another said: “No, he’s heartbroken and I have our beautiful children.”

A third said: “Is that funny to you? Making fun of single mums? Is that a joke?”

The backlash to that particular comment brought Madeline back in to clarify her comments.

Her advice hasn't gone down well with some people.

She explained: “Girls, I don’t mean to hurt anyone, just wanted to increase awareness for the younger girls to take maximum care with boys.

“Trust, you can choose men and still choose the bad ones, because it’s proven that people can hide their true self until marriage.”

To be fair, there’s something to be said for not criticising people’s decisions, particularly when their kids are involved, but there is equally something to be said for not taking everything on the internet as completely serious.

If you’re looking for relationship advice from a ‘psychologist’ on TikTok and then treating that information as gospel, that’s not the smartest thing you could do.

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Featured Image Credit: TikTok/@madellinnee

Topics: TikTok, Sex and Relationships