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New Study Shows More Than Two Thirds Of Young People Fear World War III Will Happen

New Study Shows More Than Two Thirds Of Young People Fear World War III Will Happen

Pubity Group surveyed its huge online community to find out Generation Z's attitude towards Russia's ongoing attack on Ukraine

A new survey has found that more than two thirds of young people are worried the Russia/Ukraine conflict will develop into a wider war.

With Vladimir Putin’s attack on Ukraine marking the first major European war for the social generation that is being captured in real-time on social media, Pubity Group polled its Instagram audience, with 1.3 million members taking part to express their views and concerns.

The data published discovered that of the 400,000 people aged 18 to 24 who responded, 76% believe that the current situation is the start of a World War III-like scenario. A further 74% are fearful the war will impact their lives and 78% agree the conflict has made them feel anxious for the future.

Speaking about the research, Kit Chilvers, Founder of Pubity Group, said, "We are always looking at ways to leverage our highly engaged community who are never short of opinions to highlight issues affecting people on a global scale. This study shows that young people are anxious for the future but also realists when it comes to war and what that means for all of us."


Despite the fears and concerns the conflict has had on young people, over half of those who took part in the survey said they would fight if their country were to be invaded by a hostile power. 

This mirrors the attitude of the thousands of people who have jumped to Ukraine’s defence after President Volodymyr Zelenskyy called on citizens of the world to join the growing legion of international fighters. 

Perhaps this is why just 44% of respondents believe that the US, UK, France and other EU nations should become more actively involved in the conflict. Due to the raw and relentless visibility of the conflict on social media, young people are pleading for it to end and calling for donations for the injured, while also using social media as a tool to help by spreading the truth and hiding misinformation. 

One of the ways Pubity Group, whose brands include Pubity, Memezar and Jokezar, has made a direct impact is through its online fundraiser for The UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR) to provide support to displaced refugees around the world, including Ukrainians who have fled the war. 

With the help of its global community, the media company has raised over $100,000 at the time of writing. All of this highlights how Gen Z is a community that cares, wants to take action and intends to make a difference.

If you’d like to donate to Pubity Group’s UNHCR fundraiser for refugees, click here

Featured Image Credit: Pexels

Topics: Ukraine, Russia