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Ukranian Woman Capturing Footage She Hopes Will Be Used In War Crime Trials

Ukranian Woman Capturing Footage She Hopes Will Be Used In War Crime Trials

Nataliya Zubar is documenting the atrocities being carried out by Russian forces

A woman is capturing harrowing footage from Russia's invasion of Ukraine in the hope of it being used as evidence in trials for war crimes.

Nataliya Zubar, who lives in Kharkiv, is a human rights activist, and has been filming what she can to show the world the atrocities being carried out by Vladimir Putin's forces.

While millions who have been able to have fled Ukraine, Nataliya and others have stayed put to document Russia's brutal assault on her city.

In her videos and photos she posts online, the true scale of destruction can be seen, with apartment blocks, schools and shops all destroyed.

In one video, surrounded by debris, she says: 'You can imagine how big the shockwave was. The people are dying. The apartment buildings are being destroyed.

'This is the place where [a] bomb was thrown from the plane. And now, I will show you the results of this bombing.

'We are trying to do, myself personally, are trying to document the war crimes.'

And she says that even if she dies in the process, the footage is protected online.

Speaking to Newsy about her efforts, she said: 'If we document it gradually, day by day, Russia will not be able to get out with it. They couldn't deny the crimes. 

'Well, they can actually say anything. But if we develop a methodology for gradually documenting the events as they appear today, tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, we may be able to actually have a very solid evidence base.'

Adding: 'Even if we are dead, all the digital evidence will be supported.

'I was offered an opportunity to get out many times. I have lots of friends in different countries. I could go safely to many countries. But it's my mission. I was prepared for it.'

Yesterday (16 March), Russian forces destroyed a theatre in the city of Mariupol, where women had been hiding with their babies.

Satellite images taken on Monday (14 March) by the US firm Maxar showed the Russian word for 'children' written outside the building to deter enemy attack.

However, a rescue mission is now underway to save those trapped beneath the rubble following the brutal assault.

Video footage of the aftermath of the attack showed thick black smoke billowing from the theatre's charred ruins, the roof having been destroyed.

The Russian word for 'children' was written to try and deter an attack.

Kate, had been hiding in the theatre for 10 days with her 17-year-old son.

The 38-year-old told the BBC how mothers had taken their newborn babies there, huddling in small rooms and corridors, thinking it would be safe.

She said: "In the beginning, it was really tough, because we didn't have a well-organised food supply. So on the first two days, adults didn't have any food.

"We gave food only to the children."

Featured Image Credit: Nataliya Zubar, /Newsy

Topics: Ukraine, Russia, Politics