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American footballer who no one believed was 12 started growing moustache at 6

American footballer who no one believed was 12 started growing moustache at 6

Talk about an early developer!

It's true that we all grow and develop at different rates, but one kid has become a viral sensation over his apparent age, leaving people baffled by how he looks.

No one could believe that the child in question, American footballer Jeremiah Johnson, was 12-years-old and started growing a moustache at 6.

People were so shocked some even demanded to see legal documentation proving the athlete's age. Check it out:

The speculation all started back in December of last year when Johnson won honours at the Youth National Championships in Miami.

A video of him holding up his trophy following the game sent the internet into a complete frenzy after a man filming the clip asked Johnson his age.

"Uh, 12," he replied politely.

And it just took off from there.

Another photo of the sportsman was also shared on Twitter, with many users in utter disbelief - pointing to his moustache and tattoo.

"You can’t be 12 with a Steve Harvey moustache," joked one Twitter user.

12-year-old Jeremiah Johnson.
Generation Nexxt

A second claimed: "I’ve had a teammate in football that was 6 ft and he was 11 but u could clearly see he was still a kid. THIS A MAN."

"Yeah he not 12," echoed a third. "Need to see some birth certificates before the game start."

At the time he broke the internet, Johnson sat down with Talk’R Media Network for an interview to discuss what it was like having no one believe you’re the age you are.

"A lot of people say you don’t look your age," the child was asked. "Does that make you feel a certain type of way? What’s your opinion on that?"

Johnson replied: "I know I don't look like my age. I mean, it doesn’t really affect me."

He also confirmed 'tattoo' from the viral photo was actually just 'fake'.

Well, that explains that then.

And the tattoo wasn't the only thing that captured the internet's attention.

Johnson revealed he's been growing facial hair since he was six-years-old.
YouTube/Talk'R Media Network

Johnson's facial hair seemed to be a huge point of interest with many stunned at how such a young child could grow such an impressive 'tache.

And the kicker? Johnson's moustache has been around for half his life.

"When I was six, I started growing a moustache," he revealed.

Even on the young star's Instagram page, which currently boasts over 84.5k followers, people can't help but question his age.

"He not a teenager and he already has a moustache?" wrote one baffled fan.

"I still don't believe he 12," revealed another.

And a third theorized: "Dude prolly gon have a full beard by the time he 16 if not sooner."

Guess we'll just have to wait and see what the future holds for the burgeoning athlete.

Featured Image Credit: YouTube/Talk’R Media Network / Facebook

Topics: Football, Sport, US News