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Scientologists Caught On Camera Harassing And Following Ex-Member
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Scientologists Caught On Camera Harassing And Following Ex-Member

Disturbing footage shows a former Scientologist being surrounded and followed at the airport

A disturbing video has surfaced that allegedly shows Scientologists surrounding and harassing a former member at the airport.

Ever since the likes of Tom Cruise elevated Scientology into the pop culture spotlight, there have been reports from former members of shockingly negative experiences when they try to leave it behind.

A video was posted on Reddit featuring two men and a woman surrounding the person filming. One of the men is also filming with a camcorder, as they taunt the person behind the lens.

Watch the footage below:

The woman can be heard saying: "Stop committing suppressive acts... full time suppressive acts... just end it. Go live a life. Get a life. You've had zero effect. None. Nobody gives a f*** about you."

The Scientology website defines a 'suppressive person' as someone who 'seeks to upset, continuously undermine, spread bad news about and denigrate betterment activities and groups... To be declared a Suppressive Person is extremely rare and results in expulsion from the Scientology religion. This occurs in instances of serious offenses against the Scientology faith.'

The woman continues: "Nobody has even noticed you're gone man, you're nothing" as one of the men agrees: "Nobody!"

"Your PRs are brilliant. Why don't you just stop committing suppressive acts and live a real life," she adds before turning to one of the other men and asking: "What's he doing in LA anyway?


"What are you doing in LA, why are you here? Start living a decent life and do something to help mankind, since you guys do nothing to help mankind... you guys are embarrassing and pathetic."

She rants: "Disgusting, and it's all over your face and you look terrible."

The group starts to walk away before the woman doubles back and starts again: "Why don't you do something with your life? You're an embarrassment. An embarrassment to the fact that you were ever, ever connected to us."

At this point a male voice behind the camera says "Can you people move on, please?"

They laugh and say things that are out of earshot, before the woman says "It's unbelievable... did you see how bad he looks?" as the camera man asks them to move on once more.

Refusing to move on, the woman returns and continues insulting whoever is filming: "Wow. Embarrassing. Humiliating, disgusting. An absolute embarrassment that you were ever connected.. you've had no effect, nobody cares, nobody's interested. You've done nothing... it's a goddamn joke, nobody gives a crap. Okay? We've moved on. The church is doing better..." as the camera man speaks over her asking her again to move on.


After the video was shared to Reddit, commenters were quick to point out the hypocrisy displayed.

Rukasu17 wrote: "Nobody noticed you were gone, you're nothing" That's... Kinda paradoxical considering 3 of their order decided to just stop this individual and film him lmao."

Elsewhere, Jackson3rg argued: "Well and if nobody noticed you were missing wouldn't that be a red flag? How is that seen as a negative on the guy taking the video? Wouldn't that be a fault of the community involved?"

One Redditor explained the behaviour, with notaedivad saying: "Within Scientology this is known as "Fair Game", when they relentlessly attack, harass and intimidate ex-members of the "church". Truly a hateful, aggressive and toxic cult."

It's not known who was behind the camera or when this was filmed, but Redditors were not impressed by the comments made by the people in the video.

If you have a story you want to tell, send it to UNILAD via [email protected] 

Featured Image Credit: Reddit/Shangara Singh/Alamy Stock Photo

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