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Cafe hostess opens tip jar after saving for 2 months and people say they need her job

Cafe hostess opens tip jar after saving for 2 months and people say they need her job

She accumulated an eye-watering amount of cash

A cafe hostess went viral after revealing how much she made from tips in just two months.

If you don't think that working as a host at a cafe or restaurant is going to be earning you mega-bucks, maybe it’s time to think again.

One cafe hostess, better known as @h2p36 on TikTok, has shared just how much she earned in customer tips in two months - and the amount is eye-watering.

Many servers have taken to social media to document their experiences with tipping whether it be extremely generous or downright stingy.

However, this hostess made so much that she could be seen in the clip struggling to open the acrylic jar she had stored all the notes in.

As she begins counting, she notes the number of $5, $10, and even some $100 dollar bills, with another voice in the background teasing: “It pays to get tips, right?”

However, viewers had to wait for a second video to discover just how much she actually made.

The hostess counting her tips in a viral video. (TikTok/@h2p36)
The hostess counting her tips in a viral video. (TikTok/@h2p36)

Gotta build the tension somehow.

Showing herself counting and sorting the bills with the help of two others, the hostess revealed that she’d made a staggering $2,575 in just two months as she waved the huge wad of money around.

And many were shocked by just how much she made in the short period of time.

One user wrote in the comments: “2 months… I need a new job.”

Another added: "Um ma’am where do you work? I need to go apply."

The TikToker did not reveal where she worked but did tell fans that she was a part time hostess at a cafe.

And while some have been eager to join her workplace, others pointed out that the tips may be more to do with the US’s tipping culture rather than the location.

She received $2,575 in total. (TikTok/@h2p36)
She received $2,575 in total. (TikTok/@h2p36)

In the States, it’s more common for customers to be large tippers, with airline Qantas telling travellers that a tip between 15 and 25 percent on top of the bill is 'standard'.

Other commentators also noted this difference, with one saying: “Wow America has great tippers, in the UK you would get around 10 quid in 3 months.”

However, one fan said that the hostess had likely earned the massive sum due her great customer service.

They wrote: “This is awesome and says alot about your customer service!! enjoy doing something special.”

The TikToker later revealed that she intended to do just that and was planning a luxurious trip to Disneyland.

Featured Image Credit: TikTok/@h2p36

Topics: Money, TikTok