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Marjorie Taylor Greene Mocked For Her Definition Of A Woman

Marjorie Taylor Greene Mocked For Her Definition Of A Woman

The Republican, QAnon-supporting congresswoman has sparked backlash again

Republican Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene has sparked backlash - again - for her definition of a woman.

The QAnon-supporting lawmaker hasn't been short on controversy since being elected in Georgia, whether it's filing articles of impeachment against US President Joe Biden amid Donald Trump's second impeachment, mistaking gazpacho for the Gestapo, or attracting the ire of Anonymous amid Vladimir Putin's invasion of Ukraine.

And now, she's swanned into the discourse around gender politics; more specifically, the definition of a woman amid the divide on transgender rights in US, whether it's Lia Thomas' swimming wins or trans girls being banned from female sports leagues.

Recently speaking at the Georgia Republican Assembly, Greene said: "I’m going to tell you right now what is a woman.

"We came from Adam’s rib. God created us with his hands. We may be the weaker sex, we are the weaker sex, but we are our partner’s, our husband’s wife."

She doubled down in reference to Supreme Court nominee Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson, who said she wasn't a biologist when asked to provide the definition of a woman during her confirmation hearing.

Greene continued: "She said she’s not a biologist. Let me tell you right now what is a woman. This is an easy answer. We are a creation of God."

Marjorie Taylor Greene has said women are the 'weaker sex'.

The response on social media has been vastly critical of Greene's comments, with one user writing: "Maybe she’s the weaker sex, I sure as f**k am not."

Another wrote: "Gah, I’m sorry, but it’s all so cultish... there is no other place in society for her except QANON. She and her ilk all need to be on a locked ward."

A third tweeted: "Weaker? Subservient? Do you want to live like that? Fine. Most women I know find that idea demeaning and offensive. IMO it’s not the best of men to want that kind of lifetime companion either. A strong woman is a great woman."

As you'd expect, many have taken issue with the claim that women are the 'weaker' sex.

One user wrote: "Women are not the weaker sex, as a matter of fact we can withstand a whole lot more pain than men, we can outsmart most men, we didn’t come from a f*****g rib AND we are equals to men, not identified merely as our husband’s wives but as equal partners."

Another asked: "If this is what she believes, what is she doing in Congress?"

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Featured Image Credit: Alamy

Topics: Marjorie Taylor Greene, US News