DoorDash has issued a strong warning against those who choose not to tip after ordering food with the popular delivery service.
Tipping culture is a huge topic of conversation online, with many stories dividing comment sections across the web.
In recent months, we've plenty of stories about tipping culture in the US, from a Domino's worker revealing how much they earn from tips on a single night, to the DoorDash driver who was involved in a rather heated confrontation with a customer.
That latter story saw the driver sacked by the delivery company after he swore at a customer who tipped him $5.
Footage captured the guy delivering the pizza, albeit with a slight pause as the woman in the house got her dog under control, and telling her: "I just wanna say it's a nice house for a $5 tip."

Clearly the implication was that he didn't think the tip was enough, so while the woman said 'you're welcome' she got the response 'f**k you' in return.
The clip ended up going viral online with the caption 'How much should I be tipping for a $20 pie' and quite a lot of people thought that in this case $5 was plenty generous.
Many encouraged the woman to get in touch with DoorDash to report the delivery guy.
She ultimately did, with DoorDash confirming the 'Dasher' is no longer working for the company.
In a statement provided to UNILAD at the time, a DoorDash spokesperson said: "Respectfully asking for a tip is acceptable but abusing or harassing someone is never acceptable.
"We’ve removed this Dasher from our platform and reached out to the customer.
"Our rules exist to help ensure everyone who uses our platform - Dashers, customers, merchants - have a safe and enjoyable experience.
"We expect everyone to treat others with respect and we will enforce our rules fairly and consistently."

While DoorDash has said in the past it is not a requirement to leave tips for drivers, it has now warned customers who don't that they will likely have to wait longer for their food to be delivered.
A pop-up was added to the DoorDash app earlier this week which read: "Orders with no tip might take longer to get delivered — are you sure you want to continue?"
The company went on to say drivers will likely prioritize more profitable orders and may not even take a particular job if they do not see any tips.
This current prompt is present in certain regions.
Topics: DoorDash, Food and Drink