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19-Year-Old Woman With Rare Condition Is Constantly Mistaken For A Young Child

19-Year-Old Woman With Rare Condition Is Constantly Mistaken For A Young Child

Aboli says she doesn't let trolls get in her way and wants to live her life to the full

A teenager who was diagnosed with a rare condition says she is often mistaken for a young child.

Aboli Jarit, from Nagpur, Maharashtra, India, was diagnosed with renal rickets at as a baby, which stunted her growth at an early age.

The condition combines deformity of the bones with chronic renal disease, otherwise known as kidney failure.

As a result, the 19-year-old is unable to walk and at 3ft 4in tall, is much shorter than other teenagers her age.

She said: "Not many people have this rare disease, the good thing is I'm still surviving and most people can't survive with this. "But all the doctors said that there is no solution and it will remain same."

Aboli Jarit has a rare condition that affects her growth.
Jam Press

The condition means that Aboli can find everyday things that most people take for granted quite difficult and she's had to undergo quite invasive treatment in the past.

She said: "There can be a lot of problems, if I have to go somewhere outside, then I cannot go.

"We also don't have a car to come and go and I have to put a diaper on my waist as sometimes it can get wet. I wasn't born with a urine bladder and because of that urine keeps flowing through my waist all the time.

"Due to this disease I had an operation to make a hole in my waist so that urine could not accumulate."

She was diagnosed with the condition when she was a baby.
Jam Press

As a young girl, all Aboli ever wanted to was sing and dance, but as her bones grew weaker, she found it increasingly difficult to stand and once fell and broke her leg.

Despite the accident, though, her brother entered her into a talent competition, which saw her make the finals and boosted her confidence massively.

But while she says she has been picked on in the past for her appearance, Aboli won't let trolls get in her way of achieving her dream, and she has even appeared on Indian Idol.

"When I went to Indian Idol, it was a matter of great pleasure for me, I can't tell you how much I loved it," said Aboli.

The 19-year-old says she won't let trolls affect her and wants to live her life to the full.
Jam Press

"I am my own inspiration because I have learned to live life from what has happened to me from childhood till today."

She has now gained quite the following on social media and earned a finalist spot in Mrs Wheelchair India.

But more importantly, she wants to encourage others to be proud of who they are.

She added: "I felt very good and that feeling was different for me, I hope I can go to Miss Wheelchair World too.

"I want to become a singer and an actor, in Bollywood and Hollywood, I hope to be able to do it soon."

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Featured Image Credit: Jam Press

Topics: Health