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There's a missing Addams Family character that will likely never be used in Netflix's Wednesday
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There's a missing Addams Family character that will likely never be used in Netflix's Wednesday

There's another character that we didn't see in Netflix's Wednesday, and we might never meet them in this version of the show

Fans of Netflix’s hit show Wednesday starring Jenna Ortega must be starting to anticipate what will happen in the second series of the show, but it seems as if there’s one character from Addams Family lore that won’t be appearing.

The hit show features many of the famous Addams Family characters rebooted, from the titular Wednesday Addams and her brother Pugsley, right through to their parents Gomez and Morticia Addams, but also some more peripheral characters such as Cousin Itt and Grandmama.

However, there’s one other character who is unlikely to ever feature on the show, having last featured in the mainstream Addams Family world in The Addams Family Values way back in 1993.

Wednesday and Pugsley’s younger brother Pubert.

He was a baby, but a baby with a moustache like his father Gomez, which was unnerving, to say the least.

Pubert featured in The Addams Family Values.
Paramount Pictures

Don’t worry if you’ve never heard of him, he was a big character in that film 30 years ago, but hasn’t really featured anywhere else in the Addams world at all otherwise.

In that flick, Pubert is actually the saviour of the day, electrocuting the Machiavellian Debbie as she tries to kill the Addams family once and for all.

Then, in a later film – Addams Family Reunion - the character is mentioned once again, but it wasn’t good news for the moustachioed baby.

In fact, Wednesday recounted a tale about their brother at one stage, stating that they once had a baby sibling, but Pugsley ate him.

Yes, it's a baby with a moustache.
Paramount Pictures

That’s just one reason why the baby is unlikely to appear in the series, although it takes place in a separate universe.

Another is the ages of the character, with Wednesday celebrating her 16th birthday in season one, while Pugsley also appears to be a high-school age child, albeit younger.

It’s certainly possible, but unlikely that Gomez and Morticia will be having another baby any time soon.

Perhaps we’ll hear another retelling of the tale about what happened to Pubert, though.

Another reason is that Pubert Addams was a bit of a late addition to the Addams Family squad in more ways than one.

The baby didn’t feature in the original comic strip or the first 1960s TV series, so is it really likely that the Netflix show will line up an appearance?

Jenna Ortega plays the title role in Netflix's Wednesday.

It’s more likely that they’ll focus on the existing family, as well as – fans have suggested – ramping up the horror for the second season.

It’s still very early days yet, as the first season hasn’t even been out for that long.

Still, that won’t stop fans of the show from getting excited and starting to speculate about what could be in store for season two.

Wednesday is available to watch on Netflix now.

Featured Image Credit: Netflix / Collection Christophel / Alamy Stock Photo / Paramount Pictures

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