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The Batman Deleted Joker Scene Contains Wild Easter Egg

The Batman Deleted Joker Scene Contains Wild Easter Egg

Fans spotted the detail after Warner Bros. released the deleted scene between Batman and the Joker

Warning: Contains Spoilers

A newly-released deleted scene from The Batman reveals a hidden detail that might offer some extra information about a certain character in Arkham Asylum.

Those who have seen Robert Pattinson's take on the superhero will no doubt know exactly who viewers are introduced to at the end of the film, but the new scene shared by Warner Bros. this week confirms the existence of the Joker behind the bars of the asylum.

The scene sees Pattinson as Bruce Wayne seeking the assistance of an old foe, played by Barry Keoghan, in Arkham, where he presents the Joker with a file all about the Riddler. However, one eagle-eyed fan spotted a detail that could spin off into a whole storyline for the Joker.

See the moment unfold below:

In the clip, shared on TikTok, the viewer points out there are three paper clips on the file Batman hands to his enemy under the secure prison window. When the Joker returns the file, however, there are only two paper clips attached.

The viewer suggests the Joker must have stolen one of the paper clips at some point during the exchange, speculating he may then go on to use this 'either to kill one of the guards or break out of Arkham Asylum altogether'.

Other TikTok users have praised the person who points this out for their 'great catch', with one person responding to share their own theory as they wrote: "Probably to use as a makeshift lock pick I think even the Joker would have a tough time killing someone with a paperclip."

The rest of the scene, which spans about five minutes in total, sees the Joker use the conversation as a chance to taunt Batman, reminding him: "Almost our anniversary, isn’t it?"

Robert Pattinson in The Batman.

The comment indicates there is already an established history between the pair, with the Joker going on to prove he knows Batman as he suggests the hero is only so unsettled by the Riddler because of the similarities between the pair.

“I think somewhere, deep down, you’re just terrified, because you’re not sure he’s wrong," he says.

The villain is missing most of his hair in the scene and appears somewhat beaten-up, with bloody nails and facial scarring. Director Matt Reeves offered some insight into the look during an interview with Variety, in which he explained the Joker 'has a congenital disease where he can’t stop smiling'.

He continued: "It’s not about some version where he falls into a vat of chemicals and his face is distorted, or what [Christopher] Nolan did, where there’s some mystery to how he got these scars carved into his face.

"What if this guy from birth had this disease and he was cursed? He had this smile that people stared at that was grotesque and terrifying. Even as a child, people looked at him with horror, and his response was to say, ‘Okay, so a joke was played on me,’ and this was his nihilistic take on the world.”

It's yet to be revealed whether we will see this Joker again in a Batman sequel, but for now the deleted scene offers fans a lot of new details to sink their teeth into.

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Featured Image Credit: Warner Bros.

Topics: Batman, Robert Pattinson, Warner Bros, Film and TV, Entertainment