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Someone Has De-Aged Hayden Christensen In Obi-Wan Kenobi

Someone Has De-Aged Hayden Christensen In Obi-Wan Kenobi

Obi-Wan Kenobi sees actor Ewan McGregor reprise his role from the Star Wars prequel trilogy alongside Hayden Christensen

Someone has de-aged Hayden Christensen in Obi-Wan Kenobi and fans are flabbergasted with how good it looks.

Star Wars fanatics have been raving about the series ever since its release last month and many fans have even dubbed it as 'perfect'.

For anyone still wanting to watch, Obi-Wan Kenobi sees actor Ewan McGregor reprise his role from the Star Wars prequel trilogy, while his co-star Hayden Christensen is also back.

Christensen hasn't appeared in the franchise since 2005's Revenge Of The Sith and Disney have tried their best to make him look as young as possible throughout certain scenes.

However, a YouTuber has gone viral for digitally making Anakin Skywalker look even younger and many fans reckon he's done a better job than the producers.

Outlaw Video Production de-aged Hayden using similar technology to what Lucasfilm has used in the past and in this week’s episode, a flashback showed the Padawan duelling with Obi-Wan.

YouTube/Outlaw Video Production

But for whatever reason, it seems that Lucasfilm opted not to use de-aging technology and many thought Anakin just looked much older than he should have.

Well, the YouTuber has attempted to has fix the issue and fans are absolutely loving it.

One user wrote: "The frame at 00:10 is absolutely phenomenal. Looks exactly like how Hayden looked as a 19-year-old. Fantastic job, mate. Disney is just downright confusing for deciding not to de-age Hayden's face."

Another added: "I personally didn't mind the lack of de-aging CGI but I will admit you did an amazing job making Hayden look younger."

YouTube/Outlaw Video Production

While a third commented: "1 guy on YouTube in 24 hours VS a multi-billion dollar company. Amazing."

Someone else thought: "This looks awesome. I suspect they didn’t de-age him because he’s already spending so much time in the Vader suit. But this definitely looks better haha."

YouTube/Outlaw Video Production

A final user added: "That's really impressive dude. This is really an ideal case being the same person and no motion blur or dramatic lighting.

"It's getting to the point where even the lip movements and lighting on the face is convincing.

"With how good it is with just being you and not that much time plus two whole movies of source footage, there's really no excuse that they couldn't have done this for the actual show."

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Featured Image Credit: Disney/Alamy

Topics: Star Wars, Disney