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Samuel L Jackson intervened after Leonardo DiCaprio had to stop scene in Django Unchained as he struggled being so racist

Samuel L Jackson intervened after Leonardo DiCaprio had to stop scene in Django Unchained as he struggled being so racist

The actor gave his co-star an unusual pep talk

Samuel L. Jackson once stepped in with an expletive-filled pep talk when Leonardo DiCaprio struggled to play a racist character in Django Unchained.

DiCaprio starred as the vile slave owner Calvin J. Candie in the 2012 Quentin Tarantino movie, which also starred Jackson as Stephen.

But Oscar-winning DiCaprio struggled during filming as he felt uncomfortable using racist language.

Jamie Foxx, who played the titular Django, revealed that at one point Jackson stepped in to help out.

Speaking on 2019’s QT8: The First Eight - a documentary about director Tarantino’s career - Foxx said: “Leonardo DiCaprio had a problem saying the word ‘n*****’.”

Foxx said DiCaprio told him: ”Pal, pal, it’s tough for me to say this.”

However, Jackson got involved, in a very typical style.

Leonardo DiCaprio as vile slave owner Calvin J. Candie.
Sony Pictures

Foxx revealed: “I remember Samuel L Jackson going, ‘Get over here, motherf**ker, this is just another Tuesday motherf**ker. I don’t give a f**k about these motherf**kers, look at who I am, motherf**ker.’”

Foxx also gave the actor some advice telling DiCaprio that to get into the role he had to stop thinking of him as his friend.

He went on: “I said, Leo, we’re not friends, this is just another Thursday. This is your property. These aren’t humans. This is your property.’

“And, when Leo came in the next day, it was literally like… ‘What’s up Leo? What’s up fam?’ He didn’t speak.

“Quentin allowed us to really transport back to that time and it was really real.”

And the combination of advice really seemed to do the trick as DiCaprio was widely praised for his acting in the movie - even earning himself a Golden Globe nomination for best supporting actor.

Sony Pictures

DiCaprio has previously said he ‘hated’ Candie but spoke about how he was pushed to put in the best performance possible.

He said: “It was this incredibly interesting horrific character. I mean, there was absolutely nothing about this man I could identify with.

“I hated him and it was one of the most narcissistic, racist characters I’ve ever read in my entire life.

“One of the pivotal moments for me was this initial read through, I wondered if it needed to be this violent and this atrocious to other human beings and it was Sam and Jamie who said, ‘If you sugarcoat this people are going to resent the hell out of you. You got to push this guy to the outer extreme'."

Featured Image Credit: Sony

Topics: Film and TV, Leonardo DiCaprio, Samuel L Jackson