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Adam Driver wasn't allowed to drive anything on the set of Ferrari

Adam Driver wasn't allowed to drive anything on the set of Ferrari

Adam Driver says he was not allowed to drive any of the cars in Ferrari

Adam Driver says he wasn't allowed to drive a car in his new movie Ferrari.

In the upcoming Michael Mann film, Driver plays Enzo Ferrari, the founder of the ionic motor brand. Check out the trailer:

Now, you'd think that Hollywood stars can pretty much do what they want when it comes to shooting a new movie, right?

Take Tom Cruise, for example. If there's a scene that calls for him to jump out of a plane, he's jumping out of that plane - and if there isn't, he'll engineer it so that there is.

But the reality for most actors, who are not Maverick, is that they don't have such sway when it comes to production.

Ferrari is all about the biggest car company on the planet.

So you'd imagine that there'd be plenty of opportunity for Driver to, well, drive.

Adam Driver in Ferrari.

But the 39-year-old revealed during an appearance at the Venice Film Festival yesterday (30 August) that he was not allowed to do any of it. Not one manoeuvre. Spoil sports.

He explained: "As I said before, making a movie is a miracle and they don’t want me touching the thing that’s the most expensive part.

"I don’t drive the cars, except in pre-production we raced Ferraris — obviously, newer Ferraris, can’t afford the other ones. And then at the beginning, I’m not driving that one, it’s on a dolly."

He added: "Again, they don’t trust me with small pieces of equipment. Big pieces of equipment like sandwiches, they will let me handle."

However, while he may not have got the chance to take a car for a spin during the shoot, it looks like the mild disappointment was worth it.

Driver said he wasn't allowed to drive anything on set.

Following a screening of the flick at the festival, Driver and Mann were met with a six-minute standing ovation.

Driver was visibly moved by the reaction, welling up during the applause.

The Star Wars actor was allowed to promote the movie following and interim agreement between the production and SAG-AFTRA.

“Why is it that a smaller distribution company like Neon and STX International can meet the dream demands of what SAG is asking for — this is pre-negotiations — the dream version of SAG’s wishlist, but a big company like Netflix and Amazon can’t?” he asked during a press conference.

"And every time people from SAG go and support a movie that has met the terms of the interim agreement, it just makes it more obvious that these people are willing to support the people that they collaborate with, and the others are not."

Ferrari is set to land in cinemas on 25 December in the US.

Featured Image Credit: NEON

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