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Netflix viewers hit out at ‘shameless’ decision to stream Titanic following sub implosion

Netflix viewers hit out at ‘shameless’ decision to stream Titanic following sub implosion

"Nah this is insane"

Netflix viewers have been left unimpressed after finding out James Cameron's Titanic will be hitting Netflix next week, just days after the Titan submersible was confirmed to have imploded.

The movie - starring Kate Winslet and Leonardo DiCaprio - has been on and off the platform over the past few years and has always proven to be a classic among fans, but some aren't too keen on the timing of the announcement, given the recent disaster.

The movie is coming back to Netflix next week.
Paramount Pictures

The US Coast Guard announced the 'catastrophic implosion' of the Titan vessel - which had been travelling to the wreckage of Titanic - on Thursday (22 June), after debris was discovered near the wreck of the Titanic off the coast of Newfoundland, Canada.

The vessel carrying five passengers lost contact with its mothership on 18 June, sparking an urgent search and rescue mission involving planes, ships and sonar buoys.

The Coast Guard later confirmed that the tail cone of the Titan had been discovered around 1,600ft from the bow of the Titanic wreckage, and that further debris found was 'consistent with a catastrophic loss of the pressure chamber'.

I have to admit, while the timing does seem a little awkward, there's no doubt the flick will probably shoot to the top 10 on the platform, especially as director James Cameron himself has been speaking out about the sub implosion, accusing officials of 'dangling hope' for the families.

Speaking to CNN last week, he said: "I watched over the ensuing days, this whole - sort of- everyone running around with their hair on fire search.

“Knowing full well that it was futile.

Debris from the Titan submarine was found.
American Photo Archive/Alamy Stock photo

“Hoping against hope that I was wrong, but knowing in my bones that I wasn’t.

“It certainly wasn’t a surprise today, and I just feel terrible for all the families that had to go through all these false hopes that kept getting dangled as it played out.”

Since the news of the 90s movie returning to Netflix was tweeted by several outlets, fans have been giving their take on it - and many are not impressed.

"This is CRAZY shameless," slammed one.

"Nah this is insane," said another.

Fans reacted to the news.

"Netflix just couldn't help themselves huh," accused a third

That being said, it's very likely it's just an awful coincidence, as the streaming giant is likely to have established its July licensing deals months before the OceanGate disaster.

Still, there's no doubt the timing could have been a tad better...

UNILAD has contacted Netflix for comment.

Featured Image Credit: 20th Century/OceanGate

Topics: James Cameron, Leonardo DiCaprio, Netflix, Titanic, Film and TV, News