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Tom Holland says he doesn’t like Hollywood and it’s ‘not for him’

Tom Holland says he doesn’t like Hollywood and it’s ‘not for him’

Tom Holland is one of the biggest names in the film industry but says he 'doesn't like Hollywood'

Tom Holland says he 'does not like Hollywood' and that it's 'not for him'.

Despite being one of the biggest names in Tinseltown, the British actor has revealed that he's very wary of the industry.

Over the past decade, he's become the face of the MCU, starring as Peter Parker in the much-loved Spider-Man series.

But speaking to Jay Shetty about the pitfalls of fame and how he keeps himself grounded, the 27-year-old said he likes to stay grounded.

He said: "Look, I really am a massive fan of making movies but I really do not like Hollywood, it is not for me.

"The business really scares me. I understand that I'm a part of that business, and I enjoy my kind of interactions with it.

Tom Holland says he 'doesn't like Hollywood'.
YouTube/Jay Shetty podcast

"But that said, I am always looking for ways to kind of remove myself from it, to kind of just live as normal a life as possible.

"Today, doing this [podcast] is a very rare thing for me to do."

Holland went on to say that he wouldn't normally open up like this in a regular interview, but as he's a fan of the podcast, he felt it was a 'safe space' to do so.

He went on to discuss some of his friends who he's says have 'lost themselves' to movie business.

"I definitely think it has been an ongoing thought, which is don't lose yourself," Holland explained.

"I've seen so many people come before me and lose themselves, and I've had friends that I've grown up with that aren't friends of mine anymore, because they've lost themselves to this business.

Holland as Peter Parker.

"I just am really, really keen to focus on what makes me happy, which is my family, it's my friends. It's my carpentry, my golf, the charity that my mom runs.

"Like, that is the stuff that makes me really happy, and that's the stuff that I should protect."

Turning to his relationship with fellow actor Zendaya, Holland said that that's also something he's keen to protect.

And he claimed they both agree that being as private as possible is the best way to have a healthy relationship.

He added: "My relationship is the thing that I keep most sacred, I don't talk about it.

"I try my best to keep it as private as possible, we both feel very strongly that that is the healthiest way for us to move on as a couple."

Featured Image Credit: YouTube/Jay Shetty Podcast

Topics: UK News, US News, Marvel, Tom Holland, Spider-Man, Film and TV, Entertainment