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Expert estimates up to 75% of Marvel stars use performance enhancing drugs to get jacked

Expert estimates up to 75% of Marvel stars use performance enhancing drugs to get jacked

Hugh Jackman has gone on the record to say he definitely doesn't take steroids to become Wolverine.

An expert in clinical physical therapy believes there is something in the water over at Marvel studios.

Nearly every film in the Marvel Cinematic Universe sees actors turn into muscle machines to play their superhero personas.

There's almost always an article about how the star got jacked for the role by dedicating themselves to a strict diet and workout regime.

But Dr Todd Schroeder from the University of Southern California Clinical Exercise Research Center at the USC Division of Biokinesiology and Physical Therapy says there's also another ingredient that's not always disclosed.

He told Vanity Fair: "I would say that 50 to 75 per cent [use performance enhancing drugs (PEDs)]."

Dr Schroeder added: “Nowadays, it’s kind of expected and, working under a doctor’s care, it’s really been accepted.

"A lot of actors won’t talk about it openly, but they will work with a physician as well as a nutritionist and a trainer, and it’s a team.


"It’s not smart for an actor to do that alone.

"The big thing is, you can take steroids, testosterone, different androgens, growth hormone for a short period of time without any lasting effects on the body. It’s not like you become addicted to it.”

An investigation from The Hollywood Reporter found the use of PEDs was pretty rampant.

The outlet claimed human growth hormones (HGH) has 'quietly has become the substance of choice for Tinseltown denizens looking to quickly burn fat, boost energy and even improve complexion'.

It can cost thousands of dollars a month, which can be small change for the actors in humungous superhero blockbusters.

Superhero stars have been accused of taking steroids in the past.

Hugh Jackman consistently wowed audiences with how ripped he got each time for Wolverine and was always dogged with juicing claims. However, he rejected those allegations.

"I love my job. And I love Wolverine," he said.

“I got to be careful what I say here, but I had been told anecdotally what the side effects are of that. And I was like, ‘I don’t love it that much'.

“So no, I just did it the old school way.

“And I tell you, I’ve eaten more chickens — I’m so sorry to all the vegans and vegetarians and to the chickens of the world."

20th Century Fox

Similarly, Joe Rogan accused Dwayne Johnson of taking steroids to maintain his physique.

“The Rock should come clean right now,” the podcast host said.

He added: "There’s not a f**king chance in hell he’s clean, not a chance in hell as big as The Rock is at 50.”

Johnson admitted to doing steroids when he was younger but hasn't touched the stuff ever since.

However, when it came to Chris Hemsworth, Rogan didn't believe the Aussie actor was juicing.

"You don't get that big without immense amounts of hard work," Rogan said.

"There's no way. People think he's just taking steroids. Bro, relax!"

Dr Schroeder explained in his interview with Vanity Fair: “[Hemsworth has] always been in really good shape. His family, his genetics—they all, if they work out a little bit, they get in really good shape, and so he’s taken it to the next level.

"A lot of people say, ‘Oh, he does steroids, for sure'. And my opinion? I would say, ‘No, he does not'."

Will Poulter got absolutely hench when he became Adam Warlock in Guardians of the Galaxy 3 and he says a rapid body transformation can be intense.

"The most important thing is that your mental and physical health has to be number one, and the aesthetic goals have to be secondary, otherwise you end up promoting something that is unhealthy and unrealistic if you don’t have the financial backing of a studio paying for your meals and training," he explained to The Indepdent.

"I’m in a very privileged position in that respect, and I wouldn’t recommend anyone do what I did to get ready for that job.”

Featured Image Credit: 20th Century Fox. Marvel/Disney

Topics: Marvel, Celebrity